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How To Hunt Teal

Do you want to learn how to hunt teal? Teal hunting is exciting and rewarding. Hunting teal is a good way to start the waterfowl season. In this article, we share information and knowledge to help you successfully hunt teal.

1. Scouting Teal

Scout the area for teal. Scout farm ponds, grass edges, rice fields, mudflats, coastal marshes, and shallow aquatic vegetation. Additionally, keep your eyes open for webbed-foot patterns on the muddy edges of waters. Feathers on the floor are also a good sign that teal hangs out in that area.

2. Decoys

Use decoys to hunt teals. Most hunters use up to a dozen decoys when hunting teal. You can use teal, mallard, and spinning-wing decoys.

3. Monitor The Weather

Always monitor the weather when you are hunting teal. Teal tends to move from one area to another when there is any slight change in the weather. If the birds are moving from one area to another, you can plan your hunting and be prepared to take as many down as possible. If you want to learn more about how to hunt teal, then click this link.

4. Predator Calls

Make predator calls to attract teals. One trick is to make the calls when the teals have passed by. The descrescendo blue-winged hen call is one of the most used calls for teal.

5. Target One Bird

Many hunters make the mistake of looking at all of the birds as they are flying in the wind. Learn to focus on one teal and aim for it. It is so easy to lose focus when the birds are exhibiting their flying prowess.


Hunting teal is exciting, fun, and rewarding. In this article, we discussed strategies to help you successfully hunt teal. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then go to


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