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How To Hunt Red Fox

Are you interested in hunting red foxes? Would you like to learn how to successfully hunt red fox? In this article, we share information to help you have a successful red fox hunt.

1. Scouting Red Fox

When scouting red foxes, you want to look for tracks, droppings, scat, and red fur. These will indicate if the red fox is active in the area. You can also use Google Earth or hunting apps like HuntWise or onX to study satellite images of the landscape to look for potential den sites, food sources, etc. before going to the area.

2. Calling

You can use calls to hunt red foxes. Distressed rabbit calls, cottontail rabbit calls, hare screams, jackrabbit calls, and bird cries are some of the calls that can be used to lure red foxes out of their dens. Be aware that foxes are very smart and cautious.

They will cautiously approach the sound of the call. You want to conceal yourself as you make the call and minimize body movements. The red fox has a very good sense of smell, eyesight, and hearing.

3. Decoys

Decoys can also be used to hunt red foxes. When you use a decoy, it works well in combination with calling. Set the decoy and then make the distress call. For example, if you have a rabbit decoy, go with a distressed rabbit call. Additionally, a moving decoy attracts the attention of the red fox, leaving you to properly position yourself to take a good shot. If you want to learn more about how to hunt red fox, then click this link.

4. Spot & Stalk Method

One of the most popular hunting methods used to hunt red foxes is the spot and stalk method. It involves glassing from a high elevation and when you spot a fox that you want to take down, you carefully stalk it with the wind in your face and use the cover of trees and vegetation until you are close to taking a good shot. The red fox has very good eyesight, sense of smell, and hearing. Therefore, you want to be very careful as you stalk it.

5. Hunting With Dogs

Dogs can also be used to hunt red foxes. The dogs can track down the fox and keep it at bay thus allowing you to take a shot when it tries to escape the tracking dogs. There are many dog breeds that are ideal for tracking animals like red foxes.


Hunting red fox is challenging as it is smart, cautious, and has a very good sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight. In this article, we discussed how to successfully hunt red foxes. If you want to learn more about hunting, then visit


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