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How To Hunt Deer During The Rut

Do you hunt deer? Do you want to learn how to properly hunt deer during the rut? Hunting deer during the rut requires you to know the behavior of deer during the rut. In this article, we discuss how to successfully hunt deer during all three phases of the rut.

The rut is the breeding season when does are in heat and bucks frantically search for does to mate. There are three phases of the rut namely, the pre-rut, the peak rut, and the post-rut.

1. The Pre-Rut

The pre-rut phase starts in early October or late September. During the pre-rut, deer are focused on feeding to add more weight with winter approaching. Does want to add more weight before pregnancy and the bucks feed to get ready for the active rut season ahead.

During the pre-rut, bucks start rubbing their antlers on trees during the night to mark the territory as theirs as they leave their scent on the trees. This rubbing of their antlers also helps to strengthen their neck muscles in anticipation of the fights that will occur with other bucks.

Look for scrapes and rubs when hunting bucks during the pre-rut. Look for trails from bedding areas to food sources and ridgetops for scrapes and rubs.

Watch the areas for does and observe their activities and where they go. Set up a number of treestands in different directions of the areas that the does are frequenting. The bucks will come searching for does and you want to be in your stands waiting for the bucks.

2. The Peak Rut

Bucks become very active during the peak rut as they try to establish dominance over their territory. During the peak rut, there are many fights between bucks. During the peak rut, bucks are less cautious as they are focused on finding does to mate with as well as ward off other rivals for the limited number of does.

During the peak rut, locate the does and you will find bucks as the bucks will be searching for the does. Set up treestands near bedding areas on trails in between food sources.

Use trail cameras to continue collecting information on the movements of bucks to learn the trails they are using as they search for does.

Make calls that imitate a doe in heat and this will lure bucks in your direction as they don't want rival bucks to get the chance of mating with the doe. You can also rattle antlers to give the impression of brawling bucks and get the attention of does. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt whitetail deer during the rut, then click this link.

3. The Post-Rut Phase

The post-rut phase is the period when the rut is coming to an end and bucks and does go in search of food once again. Bucks will be searching for food as they lost weight during the rut and will be feeding to regain their weight. Nonetheless, bucks will still be interested in searching and mating with late-estrous does. As bucks turn their attention to feeding again, target food sources early in the morning and late in the evening.


Hunting the rut requires understanding the behaviors of deer during the rut. With the knowledge of the behaviors of deer, you can plan your hunting strategies to go after bucks. Bucks are less cautious during the rut as they go after does and fight with other bucks for the does. In this article, we discussed how to hunt deer during the rut. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then click this link.



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