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How To Hunt Snowshoe Hares

Are you looking for a small game to hunt during winter? Would you like to hunt snowshoe hares? Hunting snowshoe hares is challenging as they have many predators trying to kill them. In this article, we discuss some major points to help you hunt snowshoe hares.

1. Scouting Snowshoe Hares

Before going out to hunt snowshoe hares, you need to scout the area and find out if they are living there. Look for undergrowth with overhead cover. Snowshoe hares feed on undergrowth and use the overhead as protection from aerial predators. Keep your eyes open for tracks, trails, and droppings.

2. Flush 'Em Out

Flush out snowshoe hares from brushy areas by carrying out drives. Let one hunter walk slowly in the brushy area and then stop. After a few seconds repeat this routine. If there are snowshoe hares in the brush, your movement will have them uneasy. They just can't stand your actions and will jump and run as they sense danger. The other hunters will be positioned and watching the direction they expect the hares to run out from.

3. Hunting Snowshoe Hares with Dogs

You can use dogs to hunt snowshoe hares. The dogs will pick up the scent of the hares and be on their trail until you and your team can take them down. Very good trailing dogs will pin the hares down and when they try to escape, you and your team can pick them up. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt snowshoe hares, then click this link.

4. Look For The eyes

Hunters like to look for the black marble-like eyes of snowshoe hares, especially after a snowfall. It can be so obvious when you start looking for the black eyes, and all of a sudden you are picking up the black marble eyes in the brush after a snowfall.

Similarly, the tips of their ears are black. You can also start looking for the black tips in the brush after a snowfall and become amazed at how you start to see the black ear tips in the brush.

5. Fresh Snow Fall

When it snowed the prior night, go hunting early in the morning. Look for tracks in the snow and follow them. If the tracks continue into thick cover, chances are you have found a bedding area for snowshoe hares.


Hunting snowshoe hares is an excellent way to continue hunting during winter and keep your hunting skills sharp. In this article, we shared information and knowledge about hunting snowshoe hares to improve your chances of successfully hunting them. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then click here.


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