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How To Hunt Sika Deer

Do you want to hunt sika deer in the state of Maryland? Do you want to learn how to successfully hunt sika deer? In this article, we discuss how to hunt this unique deer.

1. Scouting Sika Deer

Scout the area you want to hunt for sikas to confirm that they are active there. Look for deer signs like tracks, droppings, and wallows. Sikas are territorial and the males, called stags, will create wallows and urinate in them to mark their territory. This is more often done during the rut.

Check possible food and water sources for signs of deer activities. Sikas eat soybeans, green grass, poison ivy, catbrier, marsh grass, etc. Look for areas with these food sources to find signs of deer activity.

2. Predator Calls

Use calls to lure sikas as they use vocalizations to communicate. If you can learn sika vocalization, your chances of taking home tasty sika meat will be greatly enhanced. A trick hunters use is to bugle like a stag. An aggressive stag will respond to the bugling and come ready to fight the stag that is bugling in its territory.

3. Bait

You can use bait to hunt sika deer if you are using it on your own property in Maryland. You can use crops, food plots, poison ivy, soybeans, marsh grass, and mast as bait. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt sika deer, then click this link.

4. Hire An Outfitter

You can hire an outfitter to hunt sikas. An outfitter has the knowledge and experience of hunting the animal. By hiring an outfitter, you will greatly reduce the learning curve for hunting and taking home a sika deer. The outfitter knows the locations where the deer reside, the best method to hunt them, the best weapons to use when hunting them, etc.

Additionally, an outfitter knows the laws regarding hunting sikas in Maryland and will be a resource for you. The outfitter will be a great help in case of emergencies like an animal attack or injuries.

5. Still Hunting

Still hunting is one practical way of hunting sikas. After glassing the area from a high elevation point, you can set up a treestand or ground blind between trails to take down the deer when it comes within your shooting range.


Hunting sikas are challenging as they are small and cover a lot of ground. They like to live in an impenetrable cover that serves as protection from predators. In this article, we share information to help you successfully hunt sikas in Maryland. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then click this link.


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