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How To Hunt Red Deer

Do you want to hunt red deer? Red deer is very elusive and has a very good sense of smell, eyesight, and hearing. Additionally, they live in thick forested cover as protection from predators. In this article, we will discuss how to successfully hunt this beautiful antlered animal.

1. Scout For Red Deer

Always scout the area you want to hunt for deer. Look for obvious animal signs like deer tracks and droppings. Red deer often travel in herds and there will be a heavy buck in the herd. Keep your eyes open for heavy tracks.

2. Predator Calls

You can use predator calls to lure red deer into the open. The red deer caller is very effective in luring both stags and hinds. It can also bring out vocal responses from stags and hinds.

3. Bait

You can use a bait pile to lure red deer. Find a good location with an unobstructed line of sight to where you will set up your ground blind or treestand. Then place the bait and wait in your blind or treestand for deer to come to check out the bait. Corn and other foods can be used as bait. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt red deer, then click this link.

4. Trail Cameras

Trail cameras can be used to collect information on the movements of red deer. Set up a number of trail cameras in different directions to collect information. From the information collected you will have a good idea of where they have their bedding and feeding areas, travel routes, water sources, etc. With this information, you can plan how and when to set up and hunt red deer.

5. Stop & Stalk Hunting

One of the popular methods of hunting red deer is the stop-and-stalk hunting method. It involves glassing for der from an elevation and stalking the deer after you spot one that you would like to take down. Stalking is crucial as you must be careful to avoid detection and yet get close enough to take a good shot. You will have to take all precautions to minimize your body movements to avoid detection from red deer that have very good eyesight and sense of hearing.


Hunting red deer is challenging yet rewarding. Red deer meat is one of the tastiest big game venison you can get. In this article, we shared information and discussed strategies on how to have a successful red deer hunt. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then click here.


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