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How To Hunt Raccoons

Would you like to hunt raccoons? Would you like to sharpen your skills by hunting raccoons? Raccoons are nocturnal animals that are scavengers. They have a ferocious appetite that can be used to hunt them. In this article, we discuss the strategies to successfully hunt raccoons.

1. Scouting

When scouting for raccoons, look for food sources that will attract them. Wooded pastures with fruit or nut-bearing trees will attract raccoons. They also eat plants, berries, insects, rodents, frogs, fish, and troughs. Hollow trees, wooded piles, and burrows are places where you will find raccoons.

2. Predator Calls

You can lure raccoons with predator calls. Squealer calls will lure aggressive males during the mating season. Similarly, chittering and purring calls can lure raccoons or an entire family of raccoons.

3. Hunting With Hounds

Raccoons can be hunted with hounds. Coonhounds are dogs that are used to hunt raccoons due to their ability to track a scent. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt raccoons, then click this link.

4. Bait

Bait can be used to hunt raccoons as they have a very good appetite and eat almost anything. Watermelons, boiled eggs, leftovers, and marshmallows can be used to bait raccoons.

5. Traps

Traps can be set up to capture raccoons on your properties. However, traps can pose danger to kids who are curious and will want to touch the trap. Additionally, using a trap limits how many raccoons you can quickly get rid of on your property.


Raccoons are tough scavengers that are nocturnal animals. This makes it challenging to hunt them. Raccoons eat almost anything and this allows you to bait them with many different foods. In this article, we share information to help you hunt raccoons. If you want to learn about hunting, then click this link.


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