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How To Hunt Javelinas

Do you want a unique and thrilling adventure? Have you thought about hunting javelinas? Would you like to learn how to hunt javelinas? In this article, we discuss how to hunt javelinas.

1. Scouting Javelinas

When scouting javelinas, keep your eyes open for chewed paddles of pear cactus, tracks, shredded sotol, agave plants, and overturned cow pies.

2. Spot & Stalk

One of the best hunting methods to hunt javelinas is the spot and stalk method. The best way to implement it is to find a high elevation and use binoculars or a spotting scope to glass for javelinas. Once you spot a javelina, just remember that there may be others close by. Slowly and quietly stalk the javelina while you keep looking for the others. You stalk the javelina until you can take a good shot at it.

3. Monitor the Weather

Javelinas don't have guard hairs. When the weather is frigid cold, they all congregate together to keep themselves warm. They won't come out but will remain cuddled up together. Similarly, when the days are very hot, they will move deeper into their bedding areas. Therefore, you will not find javelinas on very hot or cold days.

4. Wind Direction

Always be downwind of the area you want to hunt javelinas. Make sure that the wind is in your face. If javelinas pick up your human scent, they will leave the area. If you want to learn more about how to hunt javelinas, then click this link.

5. Distressed Calls

You can use distressed calls to hunt javelinas. One of the most effective calls is a distressed call of a struggling javelina. It will almost always result in an immediate response from a herd of javelinas. When you locate a herd, stalk them to within 75 yards of them. Be ready with your firearm when you make the calls. When javelinas come out, take a shot to take it down.


Hunting javelinas are challenging and unique. It is not like the regular hunt of deer, elk, or mountain goats. In this article, we discussed how to hunt javelinas. If you want to learn more about hunting, then click here.


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