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How To Hunt Jackrabbits

Are you interested in hunting jackrabbits? Would you like to learn how to hunt jackrabbits? Hunting jackrabbits will bring out the best in your patience and marksmanship skills. In this article, we share information and knowledge to help you be successful in hunting jackrabbits.

1. Scouting

Look for jackrabbits in farm fields, small patches of brush and scrubs, prairies, and open fields. Use binoculars to glass the areas for signs of jackrabbits.

2. Whistling

Jackrabbits are sensitive to sounds and will lift their ears to identify sounds. Hunters use that to their advantage and whistle while they look for the tips of jackrabbit's ears in the fields. The tips of jackrabbit's ears are black and they can easily be spotted when you whistle. Use binoculars when you whistle to spot the black tips of jackrabbit ears.

3. Jackrabbit Flush

You can flush jackrabbits out of brushy areas. Hunters walk slowly in brushy areas and whistle while they walk. Then stop for about 30 paces and then whistle. Repeat this and it will make jackrabbits uneasy as they sit in the brush.

It makes them so uneasy that they can't figure out if you have found them, so they just flush out of the brush. When you do this, be prepared to take a shot because they will flush out and run to put distance between you and them.

4. Back Roads

Back roads don't have a lot of human activity and you can find signs of jackrabbit activity on back roads. Drive the back roads and glass the landscape for jackrabbits. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt jackrabbits, then click this link.

5. Local Farmers

If there are local farms nearby, find time to chat with the farmers. Most likely they have problems with jackrabbits and other predators that target their crops and livestock. They may allow you to hunt jackrabbits on their farms.


Hunting jackrabbits is exciting and rewarding. Your patience as a hunter will be put to the test when you hunt jackrabbits. In this article, we shared some major points to improve your chances of hunting jackrabbits. If you want to learn more about hunting, then click here.


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