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How To Hunt Hogs

Do you want to hunt hogs? Do you know how to hunt hogs? Hogs are large, powerful, and aggressive when cornered. In this article, we discuss how to successfully hunt hogs.

1. Scout The Hogs

When you want to hunt for hogs during the day, it is always good to do some scouting. Hogs are not easily seen during the day as they are found in thick cover. Scouting them can help you with the information you need to pattern their movements.

2. Trail Cameras

If you have a good idea of the areas you think hogs frequent, you can set up trail cameras to collect information about their movements, behaviors, when they come out, and when they go back to cover. You can also learn their travel routes from bedding areas to food and water sources.

3. Water Sources

Look for water sources. Hogs need to cool their body temperature down during the day and will come out to water sources. Additionally, look for signs of wallowing.

4. Food Sources

Hogs need to eat and they will be found in crop fields and feeders. Pay attention to signs of rooting. They will use their snouts to root through vegetation and find food. When you stumble upon uprooted soil, take note of it as that is a sign of hogs looking for food. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt hogs, then click this link.

5. Dusk & Dawn

When hunting wild hogs, timing is very important. You will have to know when to go out and hunt hogs. Hogs are most active at dawn and dusk. Therefore, you have to be out in the fields early in the morning or late in the evening to hunt hogs.

6. Decoys

Use decoys to attract hogs. Set up decoys in areas that wild hogs frequent to get them into shooting range. Feral hogs are also attracted to scents, therefore you may use a hog attractant to lure them out.

7. Implement A Drive

Wild hogs are notorious for remaining in thick cover during the day. If you have implemented many strategies to lure hogs out of their cover and into the open without any success, you can implement a drive if you have good reason to believe they are in an area.


Hunting hogs is challenging and dangerous but rewarding. Hogs are big, and powerful and become aggressive when they feel cornered. In this article, we discussed how to hunt hogs to get the pork onto your table. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then click here.


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