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How To Hunt Groundhogs

Groundhogs are not the popular hunting target they once were for hunters. They are destructive to farmers and homeowners. In this article, we discuss some major points on how to successfully hunt groundhogs.

1. Scouting

When scouting an area for groundhogs, look for burrows near man-made structures like barns and sheds. Hayfields, hills, and soybean fields are areas you can find groundhogs. If farmers complain about groundhogs destroying their plants, then that's a confirmation that groundhogs are in that area.

2. Food Sources

Groundhogs eat plants, alfalfa, insects, corn, peas, carrots, twigs, bark, June bugs, etc. They don't travel more than 150 feet from their home for food. Hence, if you find food sources during your scouting trips, their burrows won't be far away.

3. Trail Cameras

You can set up trail cameras to gather information about groundhog movements and patterns in an area. They are animals of patterns and with information from trail cameras, you can target them based on their patterns. If you want to learn more about how to hunt groundhogs, then click this link.

4. Watch the Weather

Groundhogs don't venture out when the weather is very cold or hot. Instead, they will stay in their burrows until the weather becomes moderate temperature. With this knowledge, you can know when to set up to hunt groundhogs.

5. Sprinkle Flour

If you discover a number of burrows from scouting, you can sprinkle flour around the burrows. After a few days, the groundhogs will leave tracks in the flour on the floor. By studying the tracks, you can determine which direction to set up to hunt the groundhogs.


Groundhogs are destructive for homeowners and farmers. To successfully hunt them, you have to perform good scouting and planning. In this article, we share the knowledge and information you will need to hunt groundhogs. If you want to learn more about hunting, then click here.


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