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How To Hunt From A Tree Stand

Do you hunt from a tree stand? Do you know that you have a better chance of success hunting from an elevated position?

When you hunt from an elevated position, you are above the animal's sight line and it also keeps your human scent away

from the animal. In this article, we discuss how to hunt from a tree stand.

1. Choose Right Tree

When you want to hunt from a tree stand, it is important that you choose the right tree. Look for a tree that is sturdy and that will give you a good viewpoint of the ground and different travel routes.

2. The Right Height

Setting up your tree stand at the right height is very important for hunting success. You don't want it to be too high nor should it be low to the ground. The acceptable height most hunters use is about 12 feet off the ground.

3. Safety Harness

Always use a safety harness when you hunt from a tree stand. Using a safety harness will prevent major injuries in case you fall from your tree stand.

4. Wind Direction

The wind direction is very important when hunting. You want to be aware of the direction the wind is blowing so you can position yourself to prevent the wind from taking your human scent to the deer.

Similarly, when hunting from a tree stand, you will have to position yourself so that the wind is at your back to prevent the wind from taking your scent to the deer. If you want to learn more about how to hunt from a tree stand, click this link.

5. Camouflage Clothing

This may seem obvious but you may be surprised how many hunters overlook this important detail. When hunting from a tree stand, you want to wear clothing that will blend in with the environment thereby concealing your identity. Wearing camouflage clothing is the standard clothing for concealing your position.

6. Be Calm & Patient

When hunting in general, and more so for hunting from a tree stand, you want to discipline yourself to be calm and patient. You want to discipline yourself to be quiet and patient for success when hunting from a tree stand. Limit hand and body movements when you are in a tree stand to prevent you from being detected because of your movements.

7. Practice Your Shot

For success when hunting from a tree stand, it is important that you practice your shot so it becomes second nature when hunting from a tree stand. Hunting from the ground is different from hunting from a tree stand. You want to be capable of quickly taking a good shot to take down your target and this will come from practicing your shot.


Hunting from a tree stand gives you a better chance of success. It gives you the advantage of hunting from an elevated position and keeps you away from the target's line of sight. In this article, we discuss how to hunt from a tree stand to achieve your hunting goals. To learn more about hunting from a tree stand, visit


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