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How To Hunt Coyotes

Are you thinking about hunting coyotes? Coyotes are very smart animals with a good sense of smell and eyesight. They are very challenging and will leave an area once they detect your presence. In this article, we share information to improve your chances of succeeding when hunting coyotes.

1. Scouting

Before going out to hunt for coyotes, it is always good to do some scouting. You can use satellite imagery to study the area you want to hunt for coyotes. Look for open fields, swamps, creek beds, valleys, and marsh edges. Google Earth or apps like HuntWise or onX can be used for E-scouting.

2. Coyote Signs

After studying the landscape via satellite images, go to the area you want to hunt for coyotes and look for any signs of coyote activity. Look for coyote tracks and scat. Also be attentive to yips, yowls, and howls.

3. Back Road Search

Drive the back roads, especially when it snow has fallen the prior night. With fresh snow on the ground, coyote tracks will be pronounced. You can study them to see which direction the tracks are coming from and where they are leading.

4. Predatory Birds

As you scout the area for signs of coyotes, be on the lookout for predatory birds circling in the skies. Whenever there is a carcass, ravens and other predatory birds will circle and come down to feed on the carcass of animals. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt coyotes, then click this link.

5. Wind Direction

When hunting coyotes, always hunt with the wind in your face. This positions you downwind of the coyotes and prevents your scent from reaching them in the wind. Coyotes have a very good sense of smell. Once they pick up your scent, they will leave the area.

6. Farmers

If you locate farms nearby the area you want to hunt for coyotes, go and chat with the farmers. Most likely they are experiencing problems from predators like coyotes regarding their livestock. They just might be open to you hunting coyotes and other predators on their farms.


Hunting coyotes is very challenging as they are smart and evasive. They have a very good sense of smell and good eyesight that helps them evade predators. In this article, we discuss major points to help you be successful when hunting coyotes. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then click this link.


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