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How To Hunt Cougars

Have you thought about hunting cougars? Would you like to learn how to hunt this big game animal? Cougars are very challenging to hunt as they are smart, elusive, and nocturnal animals. In this article, we discuss how to hunt cougars.

1. Scouting Cougars

When scouting for cougars, look for tracks, scat, and kill sites. They are very territorial and will cover their kills and return to continue feeding on them. Look for predatory birds like ravens and vultures circling in the sky. That may be a sign that a kill site is close by.

2. Predator Calls

Use predator calls to lure cougars into your shooting range. Cat calls usually get a response from cougars as being territorial animals, they will come out to investigate which cat has encroached on their territory.

3. Decoy

You can also hunt cougars with decoys. A moving decoy will get the attention of a cougar and that allows you to position yourself properly for a good shot. When you set up a moving decoy and make the calls, be ready for a shot because all of a sudden a cougar will appear. If you want to learn more about how to hunt cougars, then click this link.

4. Scent Control

Cougars have a very good sense of smell. Take all precautions to minimize your scent. If cougars pick up your human scent, they will leave the area as they regard you as a predator. Use scent-free soap to bathe, store your hunting clothes in scent-free storage bags, and also store your hunting boots to keep them scent-free. Put it on when you are leaving your vehicle at the hunting ground.

5. Using Dogs

You can use dogs to help you hunt cougars. They will pick up the scent of the cougar and be on its trail until they locate it. Usually, when dogs are on the trail of cougars, it ends up being treed and this allows you and your team to take it down with a good shot.

6. Hunting Buddy

Never go cougar hunting with only your dogs. it is wise and safe to always have hunting partners when you hunt cougars. Cougars are dangerous felines and wounded cougars become more vicious and dangerous. Additionally, a cornered or treed cougar can come down from the tree and charge the dogs. it can put up a real fight which can seriously injure the dogs.


Hunting cougars are dangerous but fulfilling for a big game hunter. They are smart and elusive. In this article, we share some major points to help you successfully hunt cougars. If you are interested in all things hunting, then visit


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