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How To Hunt Bobcats

Do you want to hunt bobcats? Hunting bobcats are very challenging as they are wily, reclusive, and elusive. They are masters of avoiding detection. In this article, we will discuss how to hunt bobcats to improve the odds of you being successful when hunting bobcats.

1. Scouting Bobcats

In order to hunt bobcats, you have to find where they live. Always keep your eyes open for tracks in the snow, mud, and sand around ponds and creeks. Also, look for bobcat scat.

Bobcats retreat to thick cover that is very hard for predators to find. Look for areas that have such features. As you scout an area, look for any signs of a fresh kill. Do you see animal carcasses? Are there predator birds circling above?

Drive the back roads, especially after the snow has fallen, and check for bobcat tracks. if you find tracks, study them to find out where they are going and where they came from. You may be on to their bedding areas.

2. Wildlife Biologist

Find wildlife biologists in the area and talk with them. Give them a summary of the scouting you did and any findings you discovered. Ask them about the animals that live in the area and if bobcats are one of them. Get as much information as possible about bobcats if they are living in the area.

3. Predator Calls

You can lure bobcats by using distressed calls. You can make distressed rabbits calls, cottontail calls, jackrabbit calls, and snowshoe hare calls.

After making the distressed call, be still and remain quiet. Don't move your body, rather only move your eyes to scan the area for bobcats. A mature bobcat will not rush to the call, but will cautiously approach the area looking for any sign of danger.

4. Decoys

Use a decoy in combination with a predator call. For example, use a rabbit decoy when you make a distressed rabbit call. This combination, when done right, will help get a bobcat to come out quickly. If you would like to learn how to hunt bobcats, then click here.

5. Wind Direction

Bobcats have a very good sense of smell. When hunting bobcats, like most game hunts, always hunt downwind of the area you expect the bobcats to be. This means you want the wind in your face. This will prevent the wind from taking your scent to the bobcats. If bobcats pick up your scent, they will know that is a predator and will leave the area for safer ground.


Hunting bobcats is challenging and dangerous. They are smart, reclusive, and elusive. Bobcats have mastered the art of avoiding detection, yet can be right under your tree stand in a blink of an eye when you make distressed rabbit calls. In this article, we discussed some of the major points to help you successfully hunt bobcats. If you would like to learn all things hunting, then click this link.


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