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How To Hunt Blacktail Deer

Are you interested in hunting blacktail deer? Would you like to learn how to successfully hunt blacktail deer? Hunters refer to blacktail deer as the "ghosts" of the forest. You can see it one minute and the next minute, it vanishes. In this article, we share information on how to successfully hunt blacktail deer.

1. Scouting Blacktail Deer

Scout the area for signs of blacktail deer activity. Look for tracks, scat, trails, rubs, and shed antlers. Blacktail deer like "edge" habitats where heavy timber borders meadows, clearings, brushy slopes, clear-cuts, and shorelines.

2. Wildlife Biologist

Every hunter should get to know one or two wildlife biologists for the area you hunt. They are a source of valuable information. You can get information from the wildlife biologist about the movements, behaviors, population, age range, etc. of the deer in that area. There is so much more information that you can get from a wildlife biologist than you may ever get from trail cameras.

3. Trail Cameras

Set up trail cameras in the area you want to hunt for blacktail deer. The trail camera will collect information on their movements, possible bedding areas, travel routes, and food and water sources. You can also learn the times they leave their bedding areas to go find food. With this information, you can plan and implement your hunting strategy.

4. Predator Calls

You can lure blacktail deer with predator calls. Antler rattler, fawn bleats, and grunt calls are just some of the calls that you can use to lure blacktail deer into your shooting range. If you would like to learn more about how to hunt blacktail deer, then click on this link.

5. Bait

You can use bait to also lure blacktail deer into the shooting range. however, you must find out if it is legal in your state to use bait to hunt blacktail deer. You can find your state hunting laws on this website.


Hunting blacktail deer live in tangled and almost impenetrable cover. This helps protect them from predators. They are referred to as the "ghosts" of the forest as they disappear a minute after you see them. In this article, we share information on how to hunt blacktail deer. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then Hunting Terrain.


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