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9 Tips To Get Your Kids Into Hunting

Do you want to introduce your kids to hunting? Are you overthinking how to get your kids into hunting? In this article,

we share tips on how to introduce your kids to hunting.

1. Interest In the Outdoors

When you want to introduce your kids to hunting, one of the very first things to do is the slowly get them interested in the outdoors. It is possible that they may already be interested in the outdoors, but if they don't, you have to gradually get them interested. Take them out to explore the landscape, the swamps, creeks, ponds, marshes, streams, etc. Let them appreciate natural scenes and observe insects, birds, frogs, fishes, crabs, deer, squirrels, rabbits, etc.

2. Junior Hunting Buddy

If your kid has developed some level of interest in the outdoors, then you need to take them out on small hunting and fishing trips. Take them along when you go fishing or hunting squirrels. Let them take part in fishing or retrieving the squirrels. This may be very exciting for the kid. It might get them more interested in outdoor activities.

3. Fun & Exciting

Make the time you spend with them outdoors fun and exciting. This will increase their level of interest and look forward to more time outdoors. It may develop their interest in birds, fishes, squirrels, deer, insects, ponds, rivers, creeks, swamps, etc. Don't take them with you on every hunting trip, rather space it out and take them on the hunts for smaller animals on your fishing trips.

4. Safety

Spend some time explaining what safety entails in the outdoors, why it is very important, and the safety measures to implement and observe for their safety and that of others. Don't only explain safety, but show it in your actions on all of your hunting and fishing trips. if you want to learn more about how to introduce your kids to hunting, then click this link.

5. Be Patient

Be patient as you introduce your child to hunting. Don't have high expectations too soon. It might not be your intention, but you might expect that in your actions and words. Be careful with their progress. Give them time to slowly get to appreciate the outdoors and develop their interest.

6. Answer Their Questions

Exploring the outdoors is a whole new world to them. Many things will be racing through their mind and they may have many questions. Take time to answer all of their questions at a level that they may understand. Demonstrate if it is possible to get them to fully comprehend some things.

7. Teaching Discipline

Start teaching them discipline early and gradually. This is a long-term process for your kid and you should be aware of that. Explain how hunting and fishing involve a lot of planning, preparation, and patiently waiting until you achieve your desired results.

8. State Laws

Be aware of your state's laws regarding at which age you can introduce your child to firearms and other weapons. Some state laws have no age limit while others have an age limit.

9. Introduction To Firearms

At the appropriate age, introduce your child to hunting weapons like guns, bows, etc. Explain the responsibilities that come with using weapons. Teach them gun and bow safety and remember this aspect of introduction to hunting is a long-term process. Explain that other hunters may be nearby and they should be mindful of that always.


Introducing your kids to hunting can be a long-term process but it can be fulfilling. In this article, we discuss some tips to help you introduce your kids to hunting. If you would like to read more about hunting, then visit


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