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9 Steps To Field Dress A Deer

Do you hunt deer? Do you know how to field dress a deer? In this article, we discuss the steps to field dress a deer.

1. Set It Up For Incision

Position the deer on its back with the stomach facing you so that the stomach is not pressing down on the hide.

2. Cut Around The Anus

Cut about 6 inches deep around the anus. This cut will detach the connective tissues around the anus and make it easier to dress the deer. Do this carefully to avoid puncturing the colon which can taint the meat.

3. Start Cutting

Grab the skin by pinching it between the rear legs. Make a 1-inch incision into the skin. The hide and skin will pull away as you make short, shallow, and slicing cuts. Carefully make cuts to separate the skin from the meat. Use your fingers to help separate the hide from the organs. The knife should be facing upward and the cuts should be away from you.

4. Cut Up The Midline

Continue cutting all the way to the ribcage. If you would like to learn more about how to field dress a deer, then click this link.

5. Sever The Diaphragm

Cut the diaphragm to access the chest organs.

6. Cut The Windpipe

Hold the windpipe above the heart and lungs and sever it.

7. Remove The Internal Organs

Since the diaphragm and the windpipe have been severed, you can pull out toward you the stomach, intestines, bladder, heart, liver, and lungs. If you want to save these, you can place them in a plastic storage bag.

8. Drain The Blood

Set the deer in an upright position for any excess blood to flow out of it.

9. Let It Cool Down

Inspect the deer and do little cleaning touches to remove any leftover organs or body parts. Lay it on its back and open the cavity for the meat to cool. This will prevent bacteria from growing and damaging the meat.

When you get home, you can clean it up and add ice to cool it further if you will not process it the same day. To prevent bacterial growth, it is stated that meat should be stored below 40 degrees.


Field dressing a deer is not difficult. It just comprises of steps that you must carry out in a particular sequence. In this article, we discuss the steps to take in order to field dress a deer. if you would like to learn more about hunting deer, then go to


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