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8 Factors To Consider When Buying Climbing Sticks

Do you want to buy climbing sticks? Do you know what to look for when buying a climbing stick? In this article, we discuss the factors to consider when buying climbing sticks.

1. Height

The height of the climbing stick is an important factor to consider when buying a climbing stick. You want a climbing stick that is high enough in relation to your height and anyone who will use it. Many climbing sticks are built with a height of 20 feet.

2. Weight

Most climbing sticks are designed in a number of sections with each section weighing a few pounds. The total weight of the climbing stick is the sum of the individual sections. You should choose a durable, lightweight, and portable climbing stick.

3. Weight Capacity

The weight capacity is an important factor to take into consideration when choosing climbing sticks. The weight capacity indicates how much weight the stick is designed to carry. Make sure your weight, taking into consideration the weight of your gear and clothes, is significantly below the weight capacity. It is a safety issue.

4. Noise

How much noise the climbing stick generates is another factor to consider when choosing one. Many are designed to be silent with silent attachment hooks, silent lock technology, and silent-use versa buttons. If you would like to learn about the best climbing sticks on the market today, then click this link.

5. Durability

You should always verify that the climbing stick is durable. Most are designed with aircraft-grade Aluminum that is durable and lightweight.

6. Portability

For the nature of the activity, you want a portable climbing stick. Most are designed to be lightweight and portable for transport and usage.

7. Step Size

The size of the steps is very important. Many have a double-step design which makes it easy and comfortable to climb. The smaller the steps, the harder it will be to climb. Verify that the steps have enough room for boots and teeth traction.

8. Versatility

Always go for versatile climbing sticks that allow you to set it up on almost any tree. Some are designed with adjustable standoff brackets that allow you to use them on any tree.


Climbing sticks are very useful for getting into tree stands. In this article, we discuss the factors to consider when you buy one. If you would like to learn more about climbing sticks, then click here.


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