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7 Tips To Train Your Hunting Dog

Training your hunting dog is a serious process and you must have a plan, be consistent and exercise patience with the dog. Your dog will spend many years as your hunting partner. Therefore investing the time to train it as well as strengthen the bond you have with it will only help it be successful as your hunting partner. In this article, we discuss 7 tips to train your hunting dog.

1. Start Training Early

It is important that you start training your dog for hunting as early as possible. The general consensus is that about 8 weeks old is the average time to start training your dog. The earlier you start training your dog for hunting, the better. Starting late may not yield the best results as by that time, the dog may have picked up some bad habits.

2. Training Plan

Don't just start training your dog without a well-thought of plan. Take some time to think about the training and plan it. It can be a simple plan, but you must put some time into what you want to achieve and the steps and methods that will be used to train the dog.

You also have to factor in how long it will take, the areas for training as well as the tools and equipment you will use in the training. Additionally, also have rewards in the training for the dog like treats and toys when it satisfactorily completes tasks.

3. Introduction To The Outdoors

Before you begin training your dog, you want to slowly introduce it to the hunting ground. Take it out for walks and let it explore the land. It will discover creeks, hills, brushes, birds, deer, and other animals. This is a whole new world to it. Let it explore and enjoy what is in the wild.

4. Basic Commands

Many people make the mistake to try to teach their dog many commands in a very short period of time; don't do that. Introduce a few basic commands to your dog and let it understand and learn the commands. Reward it for learning and carrying out the commands. Slowly add more commands when you are sure it understands the previous ones and demonstrated them.

5. Water

At some point in the training, you want to introduce your dog to the water. Bodies of water like ponds, and creeks will be part of the hunting landscape. It will have to retrieve birds and other animals from the water or close by. If you hunt with a boat, let it get familiar with getting it and out of the boat as well as sitting it in for the hunting period.

6. Sound of Gunshots

At some point in the training, you will have to introduce your dog to the sound of gunshots. This has to be done slowly and carefully. It will take some time for this part of the training, but you have to be consistent and prepared for setbacks. If you want to learn more about how to train your hunting dog, click this link.

7. Have Fun

Training your hunting dog should be a fun experience for both you and your dog. It will also be time to develop a stronger bond with your dog. Building this relationship with your dog will make it want to please you by learning the training as well as implementing it during actual hunting sessions.


Training your dog is not a minor thing. You have to plan it and methodically implement the training to yield the desired results. Your dog will be your hunting partner for its lifetime therefore you want to give it the best training to make it the best hunting dog for you.

Training your dog also requires patience and consistency for the best results. If you would like to read more on hunting and hunting dog training, visit the hunting terrain.


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