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7 Tips To Fish In A Pond

Do you want to learn how to really fish in a pond? Would you like to catch big bass, catfish, crappie, and other fish from the pond? Fishing in a pond is different from regular fishing in a river or lake. In this article, we discuss tips to help you fish in a pond.

1. Limited Gear

When you fish in a pond, you want to be very mobile. Moving often from one spot to another until you find the spot where fish are congregating. As a result, you don't want to carry a lot of gear with you that might slow you down. Downsize your fishing gear to be very effective.

2. Best Time To Fish

The best time to fish in a pond is usually early mornings and late evenings. Fish tend to be more active in the morning and evenings when the temperature is not as hot as during midday.

3. Walk Slowly & Lightly

As you move along the banks, walk slowly and lightly. Fish can feel the vibration made by you or others on the banks. Therefore, to minimize the level of vibration, learn to walk slowly and lightly. Heavy vibrations will alert the fish and they will move away as they equate the heavy vibrations to that of prey.

4. Overhanging Trees

When you arrive at a pond, take some time to study the area. Look for overhanging trees that provide shade. This shade is used by the fish to shield out the sunlight. Most likely, fish will be hanging out in such areas waiting for bait. if you want more fishing tips on how to fish a pond, click the link.

5. Google Earth

You can do some research before going to the pond by using Google Earth to find possible inlets, access points, grass lines, boat docks, and deep and shallow areas. This information will help you when you arrive at the pond to further investigate those areas for fish.

6. Old Structures

Look for old and broken-down structures protruding out of the pond. Fish love these structures and will often be found around them. They use these structures as cover from prey as well as areas to ambush their food sources.

7. Corners Of The Pond

Carefully observe the pond for its corners or pockets. Corners of the pond with vegetation will usually have fish hanging out there.


Fishing in a pond can be very rewarding if you know how to find the fish. In this article, we share some tips to help you successfully fish in a pond. If you would like to get more fishing information, then visit


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