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7 Deer Hunting In Ground Blind Tips

Deer hunting in ground blinds is an effective way to hunt. It allows you to wait for your target without being detected. If set up properly, you can lure deer to your line of site and take them down. In this article, we will discuss tips on how to successfully hunt deer using a ground blind.

1. Pre-season Scouting

Before you go deer hunting in your ground blind, it is good to go scout the area before the hunting season begins. You want to gather all of the information you can get about deer behavior. You want to find their travel routes, food sources, bedding areas, etc. to determine the best spots to set up your ground blinds.

2. Wind Direction

The direction of the wind is very important when you hunt. You don't want to give away your position by the wind taking your human scent to the deer. You want to take this into consideration when you determine where to set up your ground blinds. If deer detect your scent, they will leave the area.

3. Scent-Free Products

Deer have a very good sense of smell. This sense of smell is used by deer to also sense humans and other dangers and avoid them. You should always minimize your human scent when you go hunting. Using scent-free products will help you control your human scent and not get the deer to detect your presence.

4. Advance Ground Blind Set Up

After your pre-season scouting, set up your ground blind in advance of the hunting season. One of the main reasons to set it up in advance is that the animals in that area will come to get familiar with it long before the hunting season. This will cause them to not be suspicious of it. Additionally, setting it up in advance will help the ground blind to blend with the environment. If you would like to learn more about how to deer hunt in ground blinds, then click the link.

5. Camouflage Job

Although ground blinds are usually designed with a camouflage pattern, you want to do more work to blend it with the environment. Use leaves and shrubs in that area to do a good job of camouflaging it. Also, use tree branches and other vegetation in the area to conceal it. If you find trees that you can set up your ground blind behind to conceal it, then do just that. If deer can easily identify your ground blind, they will sense danger and avoid the area.

6. Weather-Proof

Your ground blind should be weather-proof to keep you as warm as possible on cold days. You will sit in the ground blind for a protracted period of time. Therefore, when you choose one, make sure it is well built to withstand the harsh weather.

7. Decoys

Deer are curious animals. They are very observant and will notice changes. When they notice new things, they will often go to investigate them. Use their curiosity to your advantage. Deploy decoys not far away from the line of sight of your ground blinds to lure them closer to you.


Hunting in a ground blind can be very effective. Many hunters use ground blinds to great effect during the hunting season. In this article, we share tips on how to hunt deer using a ground blind. If you would like to learn more about deer hunting, then visit


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