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7 Bowfishing Tips

Bowfishing has become popular with many more people bow fishing. It is an exciting and satisfying way to catch fish. In this article, we share some bowfishing tips to help you become more successful with bow fishing.

1. State's Laws

Get to know your state's laws concerning fishing. You can find your state's law on this website.

2. Understand Refraction

You want to be 10-15 feet away from the fish when you shoot because of refraction. Always aim at about six inches below the fish to compensate for the water's refraction.

3. Best Time To Bowfish

The best time to bowfish is during the spawn. At this time the fish can be seen easily.

4. Where To Find Fish

Look for the shallow parts of the river, and where the fastest currents run. That is where you will find fish. If you want to learn more about how to bowfish, click the link.

5. More Places

Dams and overflows are good places to bowfish, especially when it is during the spawn.

6. How To Start

Begin bow fishing with a body of water that you are familiar with. When you have developed your bow fishing skill, then you can bowfish in other bodies of water.

7. Shooting Practice

Improve your shooting skills by taking practice shots with an object under the water. This target practice will help you adjust your shot.


Bowfishing is an exciting and rewarding way to fish. Bowfishing has become popular and many people now actively bowfish. Bowfishing is not difficult and once you understand refraction and compensate for it, you will be taking home a lot of fish. If you would like to learn more about how to bowfish, visit


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