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6 Tips To Preserve Game Meat

Do you know how to preserve game meat? Would you like to know the steps and methods on how to preserve game meat? In this article, we discuss the steps and methods to preserve game meat.

1. Clean The Meat

Even though you field dressed the deer in the fields, you should do a final clean-up when you get home where you may have more tools and resources at your disposal. Carefully inspect it and remove any leftover chunks of fat, membrane, entrails, dirt, and blood. Additionally, remove any connective tissue and bones that may help keep the meat cool.

2. The Sunlight

You can use the sunlight to dry and preserve the meat. This is a primitive method at best, but if you are far away in the woods, this may be your first practical method of preserving it from rotting. This method has many negatives. It can attract many flies and this method is not very hygenic as the meat can easily be infected by insects. However, you can use a net to help protect it if you have one.

3. Curing/Corning

Curing or corning involves using salt to remove the fluids from the meat. Salt dehydrates the meat and prevents bacterial growth without the presence of water. This method is also referred to as a dry cure. The wet cure is another method of curing meat.

4. Wet Cure

A wet cure involves submerging the meat in a salty solution. The meat is kept in the salty solution for a period of time. After the meat has been in the solution for a period of time, take it out and let it dry. It will then be coated in a protective layer of salt that prevents microorganisms from growing.

5. Smoking

Another way to preserve the meat is by smoking it. This involves creating a system in which you build a fire that produces a lot of smoke to dry out all the fluids from the meat. Additionally, smoking the meat also gives it flavor.

6. Pickling

Pickling is similar to curing. With pickling, you create a brine with salt, sugar, and sometimes spices. Then submerge the meat in the brine for a period of time. Pickling is a little more complex and time-consuming.


Preserving game meat is a simple process to extract the fluids from the meat to prevent bacterial growth. In this article, we discussed the steps to preserve meat. If you would like to learn more about how to preserve game meat, then click this link.


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