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6 Tips To Pattern Deer In Early Season

Do you hunt deer? Do you know how to pattern deer in the early season? In this article, we discuss how to pattern deer in the early part of the season.

1. E-Scout

Use Google Earth to study areas where deer live and frequent. Study the areas for possible food and water sources, bedding areas, funnels, access points, transition lines, creek crossings, and travel routes.

2. Use Trail Cameras

Set up trail cameras to gather information on the movement and behavior of deer. You will get information on their travel routes, what they are eating, how many of them travel together, the ones that move alone, the time they move around, and more information that you can use to plan to hunt.

3. Glass The Field

Use a binocular or a spotting scope to glass the fields from a considerable distance. Go early in the morning or late in the evening to glass the field. Use an app or take notes on your observations. Take note of when you spot them and where you spotted them. Additionally, note how many of them travel together and the entry and exit points they use.

4. Set Up Treestand

After you identify and study a buck's pattern, it will be time to implement your hunting strategy. You could set up treestands in different locations not far away from routes and areas the buck frequents. The wind direction must be taken into consideration when you set up your treestands. You don't want to give away your scent to the buck or other deer that are in the area.

5. Scent Control

Everyone knows how controlling human scent is crucial when hunting, but surprisingly, many take it for granted. When scouting or hunting, you must take measures to eliminate your human scent. From your clothes to your hunting or scouting gear, you must take every precaution to minimize your scent or it will affect your results.

6. The Reward

By this stage, you have identified a buck. You have studied his behavior from the trail cameras and have learned a lot about it. You know his patterns and have identified where he is most vulnerable. Now is the time to be disciplined and focus on him.

At the start of the season, relying on the information you collected, hunt the buck when he adheres to his regular patterns. You will have a greater chance of taking him home.


Patterning a deer in the early season resembles early season scouting. You want to collect as much information about a deer to help you know how to set up and hunt it when the season begins. In this article, we discussed tips to pattern a deer in the early season. If you would like to learn more about how to pattern deer in early season, then click this link.


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