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10 Weakfish Fishing Tips

Do you fish for weakfish? Would you like to catch more weakfish? In this article, we share weakfish fishing tips to help you catch more weakfish.

1. Weakfish In Fast-Moving Water

If you are fishing for weakfish in fast-moving water, use a lure that will get into the holes where weakfish are situated in.

2. Tide Runner

Weakfish are called the “tide runner” as they hang around areas where the tide runs the strongest like inlets. Study the tide tables to expand your search for areas where they may be lurking.

3. Time To Catch Big Weakfish

The time of day is very important when it comes to catching big spring weakfish. Leave early at pre-dawn when there is little boat traffic and minimum winds. Weakfish want to avoid the heavy boat traffic and strong winds will be out there feeding. Target channels and coves inside inlets at this time.

4. Water Temperature

The temperature of the water is important when fishing weakfish. Monitor the temperature. When the temperature is at or above 59 degrees, weakfish will bite the best. You can use natural baits at 55 degrees, but to catch weakfish with artificial lures, the water has to be warmer than 57 degrees.

5. Weakfish Bite

Weakfish bite the best when there are larger tides brought on by full and new moons. Two hours before and two hours after low or high tide is the best time to get bites from weakfish, especially when the tide phase is close to dawn or dusk. If you will like to learn more weakfish fishing tips, then click this link.

6. Weakfish When Spawning

Weakfish will not bite while spawning late in spring. After spawning, the biting will ramp up. Remember this to avoid frustration.

7. Natural Presentation?

If your presentation is not natural, regardless of the bait or lure you are using, you will not catch weakfish. Do not retrieve against the current as it makes for a poor presentation. To have a natural presentation and get bites, fish the lure or bait with the current.

8. Slow & Steady Retrieve

Always use a slow, steady retrieve that allows your lure to move through the strike zone and avoid getting stuck on the structure. You will get strikes by lifting and dropping a lure along the bottom when there is a school of weakfish holding tight to the bottom during slack tide.

9. Feel The Hit

Quickly and aggressively set the hook when you feel the hit. Keep the line tight when the hook is set. Make sure to set the drag a little lighter than what you would do for bluefish to avoid pulling the hook from the weakfish.

10. Low Tide Fishing

If you fish for weakfish during low tide instead of high tide, then focus on the holes where weakfish go during low tide.


Fishing for weakfish can be adventurous and rewarding. With the right knowledge, skills, and tactics, you can be successful when fishing for weakfish. In this article, we share tips to help you catch more weakfish. If you would like to learn more about fishing, then click here.


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