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10 Top Moose Hunting Tips

Do you hunt moose? Would you like to take more moose home during the hunting season? In this article, we share moose hunting tips to help you become a more successful moose hunter.

1. Cow Moose Decoy

You can get the attention of a bull moose by setting up a cow moose decoy. If you want to stalk a bull in the open, then a cow moose decoy can be very useful. Deploy the cow moose decoy and position yourself for a good shot.

2. Use Trail Cameras

You can set up trail cameras in areas you suspect moose frequent. The trail cameras will collect information and videos about the activities of moose in that area.

3. Walk Like A Moose

Moose have a good sense of smell and hearing. Learn to walk like a moose so that your sounds may seem familiar to the moose and not alarm them.

4. Don't Hunt The Trail

If you come upon a trail with old moose prints and droppings, don't spend the rest of your day looking for moose on that trail. Moose only travel open areas at night and will get back on the trail when it gets dark.

Track the prints and determine where they re-entered the bush. If you find the re-entry spot, search the area for bodies of water. Circle the area until you get back to the water area and set up your stand and wait. You can also make a few bull grunts or female calls as you get closer.

5. Glassing From Same Spot You Call

After calling, move to a different location to glass the area so that you are upwind of where you were calling. If a bull heard you calling, he will go to the spot he heard the calling to investigate it. If you would like to learn more about the best moose hunting tips, then click the link.

6. First 10 Last 10 Rule

Hunting moose often requires you to spend the whole day in the woods waiting for it. There are times when you will get a moose in the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of sunlight. Be prepared for a long day when hunting moose.

7. Be Patient When Calling

Moose are very curious animals, but they exercise caution and will not rush to satisfy their curiosity. It is not uncommon for a moose to take days before investigating calls. Be patient and wait until it decides to come and investigate the calls.

8. Breaking Brush

Moose thrash bushes, saplings, and small trees to mark their territories and show dominance. You can use this to get a bull's attention and lure him to you. Break off some dry branches of an evergreen tree at its base to make sharp crackling sounds. The dominant moose in the area will come to investigate the noise.

9. Setting Up Treestand

Set up your treestand on the clearing's eastern edge if you can only set up one stand over the clearing you think moose frequents. Most winds in the habitats of moose come from the west and this will put you downwind of the moose in normal weather conditions.

10. Mimic Bull Pissing

When you mimic the sound of a bull pissing, it will get the attention of another bull which will be convinced that there is another rival in his territory. You can imitate bull pissing by filling a large plastic container with water. Then pour it back into the water from chest height.


Moose hunting is not for the timid. However, you can get good at hunting moose and take them home during the hunting season. In this article, we share moose hunting tips to help you be more successful with hunting moose. If you want to learn more about hunting, visit


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