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10 Tips To Scout For Turkeys

Scouting for turkeys requires time and planning but can be very rewarding. Once you develop the skill to scout turkeys, you can plan for the hunting season and take home more turkeys. In this article, we share tips on how to scout for turkeys.

1. E-Scouting

You can use Google Earth to study the area you want to scout for turkeys. You can take advantage of satellite technology to look for travel routes, roost sites, and food sources. You can also use apps like HuntStand, onX, TrophyTracks, and BaseMap to also find these areas.

2. Signs of Scratching

Turkeys scratch in the leaves looking for insects and acorns. Look for heavy scratching on the ground. Look closely for claw marks. Turkeys usually scratch near roost sites. So if you find a lot of scratches in the soil with obvious signs of claw marks, then it is possible that you are close to some roost sites.

3. Roosting Areas

When you are scouting for turkeys, one of the areas to look out for is their roosting areas. You can go early in the morning and listen to the gobbling of turkeys. From the sounds of gobbling, you will have an idea of their roosting sites.

4. Diverse Habitats

Look for areas with diverse habitats that have a lot to offer turkeys. Areas with food sources, bodies of water, natural cover, mature trees to roost in, plots of land with corn and other crops, wetlands, and areas where two different types of vegetation meet are all great areas that attract turkeys.

5. Droppings

Keep on the lookout for droppings. Droppings, feathers, and tracks are all good signs that turkeys come to this area. If you would like to learn more about how to scout turkeys, then click this link.

6. Trail Cameras

Set up trail cameras to gather information about an area that you think turkeys frequent. Trail cameras give you the opportunity to collect information 24 hours a day. You might be surprised about how much information you can obtain from the video footage from trail cameras.

7. Best Time To Scout Turkeys

The early morning and evening hours are the best time to scout for turkeys as they are most active during those hours. You can use binoculars or a spotting scope to scout turkeys early in the morning or late in the evening.

8. Camouflage Clothing

Always wear camouflage clothing when scouting for turkeys to avoid spooking them. Additionally, be quiet and move slowly to keep you from being detected and spooking the turkeys.

9. Calls & Decoys

You can use calls and decoys to lure turkeys when the hunting season begins. Listen to the sounds they make and mimic them to lure turkeys to your position.

10. Glass For Turkeys

Find a good spot early in the morning or late in the evening to glass for turkeys. Use binoculars or a spotting scope to look for turkeys in the trees and in the thick grass. Have a notepad to take notes and draw sketches of the areas you find them and the time of the day you spotted them there.


Scouting for turkeys is very crucial to a successful turkey hunting season. You can gather a lot of information from scouting for turkeys to help you take more turkeys home. In this article, we share tips to help you be successful in scouting for turkeys. if you want to learn more about hunting, then visit the


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