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10 Tips To Hunt Pigs

Do you hunt pigs? Would you like to be more successful when hunting pigs? In this article, we share tips to help you hunt more pigs to take home during the hunting season.

1. Baiting Pigs

Place your bait along trails that are frequented by pigs and create a trail back to a larger pile where you will have set up

waiting for them. Additionally, set up in position so that your tree stand is downwind of the pile.

2. Scent Control

Pigs have a very good sense of smell. Wear gloves to control your human scent when you set up a bait pile. Additionally, always wash with a scent-free soap before you go hunting, especially from late spring to early fall. Wear hunting boots that won't leave your human scent. If pigs have been hunted before and they pick up a human scent, they will become alarmed.

3. Pig Squeals

If while hunting for pigs you hear squeals for a few minutes in the evening, it could be that a sow is being bred by a boar. Try to remember the area and hunt that area later for the boar.

4. Wear Snake Boots

To avoid being hit below the knee when you hunt pigs in rattler, cottonmouth, or copperhead habitats, wear snake boots. If you want to learn more about the best pig hunting tips, then click this link.

5. Small Herd Hunts

If you come across a few signs of pigs in the area, don't get discouraged. Instead, hunt smaller herds that are more predictable than bigger groups of pigs that are being hunted by more hunters.

6. Load With More Bait

Load the feeder with a lot of bait to attract pigs. This will prevent you from hauling in refills and prevents you from

spreading your scent in the area.

7. Hogs vs Deer Tracks

If you hunt pigs, you should learn to identify hog tracks from those of deer. Hog tracks are fuller than those of a deer and have rounded tips than pointed ones. Additionally, hog tracks are in the front and back with a more uniform width while deer tracks have a teardrop shape.

8. Shoot To Kill

To deliver a fatal blow, shoot a hog directly behind the shoulder slightly lower than you would aim at a deer. Be sure of your shot before taking it. Don't be surprised if you don't see any blood trails. Hogs have a thick layer of fat that can quickly plug a wound which will make it difficult to see trailing blood, especially in a wet environment.

9. Spot & Stalk

If you are hunting in an open country, you can apply the spot and stalk technique. Position yourself where you will have a good view of the area and that the wind is blowing towards you. If you spot a pig, walk slowly and quietly toward it, keeping the wind at your face and using cover. You may be able to get up close to it without being detected as pigs don't have the best eyesight.

10. Freshly-plowed Gardens

Hogs like freshly-plowed gardens of crop fields to find fresh roots. When you find these gardens, position yourself and wait for hogs. They just might discover the garden as you did.


Hunting pigs involves some strategies and knowledge of them. In this article, we share some tips about hunting pigs. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then go to


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