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10 Tips To Attract Deer

Do you want to learn how to attract deer to your plot of land? Would you like to take more deer home during the hunting season? In this article, we share tips to attract deer to your land.

1. Be Aware of State's Law

The very first thing you want to do is learn your state's law concerning creating a feeding area. In some states, building a

feeding area during a certain period of the year is not legal. You don't want to do anything that is illegal.

2. Food Plots

Plant a food plot with plants and crops that deer eat like peas, soybeans, kale, alfalfa, turnips, corn, etc. Also plant grasses like wheat, oats, and rye. Deer also love apples, pears, and persimmons. Acorns and chestnuts are nuts that deer like. Additionally, you can also visit a local hunting store and ask for seed mixes for deer plots.

3. Salt or Mineral Blocks

Deer loves salt, mineral, cider, and apple salt blocks. Set up a salt block close to your food plot or bury it in the ground. Then sprinkle salt on top of the ground after you bury the salt block. Salt blocks can be found at hunting goods stores and feed stores.

4. Food Plots Near Roads

Don't plant your food plots close to roads and areas with a lot of human traffic. Deer will be hesitant to come to your food plot if it is close to roads or areas with human traffic.

5. Water Source

Deer need to drink as they get thirsty also. Create a water source or improve one. Plants trees around the water source to create more cover for deer. Deer love cover to keep the concealed while they drink.

6. Plant Trees

Plant trees with leaves that deer eat. Apple trees, willow trees, oaks, hawthorn, cedar, yew, and dogwood are some of the trees you can plant to attract deer. In addition to the leaves and fruits of the trees, the trees will also provide cover for the deer. If you want to learn more about how to attract deer, then click this link.

7. Deer Lure

You can also use a deer lure to attract deer to your land. The local hunting store will have deer lures. Check your local laws for what is legal to use as deer lures.

8. Tall Grass

Let the grass grow beyond normal height. Don't cut it to maintain it at an acceptable height. Tall grass can serve as cover for deer and this will attract them to your plot as they will feel protected.

9. Pines or Cedars

Grow pines or cedars in your plot area as they will provide cover for deer during the winter months from the winds and cold.

10. Broken Down Fences

Remove old and broken-down fences and other barriers that will prevent the deer from having easy access to the land. This will make your plot more welcoming for deer to roam and find food.


Attracting deer to your plot of land involves developing the land with food sources and other things that deer need and like as well as things that give them a sense of protection. In this article, we share tips to attract der to your plot of land. If you want to read more about hunting, then visit


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