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10 Tips On How To Fish From The Shore

Do you fish from the banks of rivers, creeks, and ponds? Do you want to learn how to fish better from the banks? In this article, we share tips to help you be more successful when fishing from the shore.

1. Do Research

Do a little research to find out the kind of fish in the river and what they feed on. The types of structures in the water. Is it shallow, deep, or both? Does it have shaded areas? And what is the contour of the land underwater?

Talk to other anglers or the people at the local fishing supplies store. Additionally, talk to the people at the fisheries department at the local conservation office. They will provide most of the information you need.

2. Fish Have Good Eyesight

Most fish have better eyesight than we give them credit for. They can pick out bright and lousy colors easily on the banks. This will alert them and cause them to leave the banks of rivers. It is always advisable to wear dark color clothes or camouflage clothing that will blend easily with the environment around the bank of the river.

3. Move Gently On Banks

Always be mindful of your movement along the banks of a river. Fish picks up vibrations from the banks and this can get them spooked. Move lightly and slowly as you approach the banks. Additionally, loud music or conversations should also be avoided. Be quiet and avoid a lot of motions while bank fishing.

4. Casting For Fish

If you see fish while bank fishing, don’t cast right at the fish. Casting at the fish will spook it. Instead, cast a little distance in front of it so they see it but do not get spooked.

5. Fishing In Stream or River

When fishing in a stream or river, cast the bait upstream and let the current carry it to the fish. When the line passes you, start slowly reeling it in. Don’t delay to start reeling it in or your line could get caught up with rocks or other objects along the bank.

6. Areas With Cover

Look for areas with a cover like hanging trees, docks, under boats, etc. Fish love cover for protection as well as ambush areas. If you would like to learn more bank fishing tips, then click this link.

7. Take A Net

When you fish the banks of rivers, always take a net with you. Using a net can prevent you from losing fish on the banks, especially banks with thick vegetation.

8. Stay A Few Feet Away From Edge

When bank fishing, it is always best to stay a few feet away from the edge of the bank and fish the cover closest to you first. There is always the chance that fish is right off the bank. Always make your first cast before you get to the water’s edge. Try to land the bait softly.

9. Wind-Blown Side of Pond

During the summer, pay attention to the wind-blown side of the pond, river, or lake. Prey fish, crustaceans, plankton, and other living things will be swept in by the winds. Fish will navigate to those wind-blown areas in search of food.

10. Winter Bank Fishing

In the winter, the sun will be shone directly on the north bank. This will warm up rip-rap and gravel banks. The warmer water will attract fish and bait fish. You will have better chances on the north shore or the calm side of the river during winter.


Fishing from the banks of rivers can be very rewarding if you do it right. In this article, we share tips to help you be successful when you fish from the shore. If you would like to learn more about fishing, then click this link.


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