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10 Redfish Fishing Tips

Do you fish for redfish? Would you like to catch more redfish? In this article, we share redfish fishing tips to help you catch more redfish.

1. Late Summer

Redfish start popping up around jetties in late summer and early fall. Their numbers only increase through fall and into early winter during annual spawning runs. This time is one of the best times to fish for redfish.

2. Cast Smaller

When you can’t see the redfish along the jetties due to the waves and currents, cast smaller redfish early in the morning along the rocks.

3. Redfish & Structures

Redfish likes structures like rocks, docks, jetties, deep channels, estuaries, and oyster beds. They use the structure as cover from predators and also use it to ambush their prey like mullets, crabs, and shrimps.

4. Redfish in Winter

During winter, redfish are in full survival mode. It wants to avoid predators as well as find areas with mild temperatures. They will move to shallow flats and look for creeks with muddy bottoms that hold heat. If you would like to learn more redfish fishing tips, then click this link.

5. Redfish in Spring

In the spring, when the days are warm, redfish will be more active and want to feed as mullets and shrimps will flood the waters. Redfish will move around more comfortably and feed aggressively as their predators will be preoccupied with bigger prey. This is the time for popping corks and topwater lures.

6. Redfish & Summer

During the summer, you have to pay attention to detail as redfish will move to deeper water during July and August around docks and jetties to escape the heat. These are the areas to fish for redfish if you are fishing on a really hot day in July and August.

7. Redfish in Fall

During Fall, redfish’s main goal is to eat as much as it can to put on weight in anticipation of winter. They will move into the shallows to feast on shrimps. Armed with this information, you can target them in the shallows. You want to use live bait like crabs and shrimp. In winter, you want to use mullet and menhaden as live bait.

8. Lure Color

The color of the lure you choose should depend on the fishing environment. Notwithstanding, you want to have a collection of yellow, green, white, and other bright colors. Always scent your lures with oils as redfish hunt using their sense of smell.

9. Twitch Your Bait

When your target advances to your bait, twitch it slightly. That action will make your lure appear as if it is naturally reacting to the presence of a predator as a real bait fish will do. Twitching, hopping and “stop-and-going” your bait will gain the attention of Redfish and get them fired up.

10. Popping Corks

Even though casting jigs into the waters works, you can be more successful using a popping cork with a good shrimp-imitating jig in brown or off-white. It works well when the cork is popping, shaking, and rattling across the surface during the retrieve.


Fishing for redfish is requires skills and tactics. It is exciting and frankly satisfying. In this article, we share redfish fishing tips to help you catch more redfish. if you would like to learn more about fishing, then click here.


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