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10 Grass Carp Fishing Tips

Do you fish for grass carp? Would you like to catch more grass carp? In this article, we share grass carp fishing tips to help you catch more grass carp.

1. Lakes & Ponds

Start fishing for grass carp in lakes and ponds. Grass carps are a non-native species brought to the United States from Asia. They were brought to control the growth of aquatic plants in reservoirs, fish farms, and other areas.

2. Fast Action Rod

Use a 7-foot medium-heavy, fast-action rod. It provides the sensitivity needed to feel the bite of the grass carp.

Additionally, use a medium spinning reel with a medium gear ratio. Maintain a loose drag to allow the fish to run without line breakage.

3. Chumming

Implement chumming. About 4 days before you go out to fish an area, throw corn in the shallows of the water to attract the grass carp. The fish will come to that area expecting more corn. On the day you go out to fish the water, grass carp will be in that area expecting more corn.

4. Let Reel Spool Freely

Let the reel spool freely. If there is any resistance, grass carp will drop the bait. Let the line remain slack until they eat the bait, then slowly reel the slack in and set the hook.

5. Walk Lightly On Banks

Grass carps are cautious and can easily be spooked. They can see outside the water and are very suspicious of movement or sound. Walk and speak quietly and lightly as you approach the river. Dress so that your colors blend with the area. Additionally, cast gently. A BB split shot or slip sinker is the best option.

6. Stalking Grass Carp

You can stalk the fish if the pond or lake is clear to the point that you can see and watch them take the bait. If you would like to learn how to catch a grass carp in a pond, then click this link.

7. Best Time To Catch Grass Carp

When the sun is overhead and the waters are warm is the best time to fish for grass carp. They will move to the top to find something to eat or just enjoy the warm weather.

8. Vicious Fighters

Be alert and remain calm. Grass carp will put up a vicious fight when it realizes it is hoked. You should just remain calm and buy for time so it wears itself out. This is why quality equipment is so important for grass carp fishing. Make sure there is no hole for it to escape. Maintain a firm grip and keep watching it. When it gets tired, get your net and get it.

9. Cast Carefully

Cast carefully. Slowly and gently cast to avoid a big splash. Avoid fast reeling or other water disturbance. Practice casting until you are comfortable with it if you are a beginner.

10. Be Patient

Patience is key. You have to develop the patience to fish for grass carp. If they become spooked, you will have to wait for a period of time for them to relax and let their guard down again. They will not come running to your bait when you put it out there, even if they are hungry. They will observe it, sniff and nibble it to check it out before giving it a bite. Remain calm and be patient.


Grass carp fishing is challenging as it is rewarding. In this article, we share tips to help you catch more grass carp. If you would like to learn more about fishing, then visit


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