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10 Factors To Consider When Buying Airsoft Masks

Do you want to buy airsoft masks? Do you know what to look for when buying airsoft masks? In this article, we discuss the factors to consider when buying airsoft masks.

1. Materials

One important factor to consider when buying airsoft masks is the type of materials it is made of. There are two types of materials that airsoft masks are made of, namely, plastic and steel.

Plastic masks are lightweight and provide protection, but do not have the best air circulation. Its impact-resistant property is good. On the other hand,wire-mesh masks are easy to wear and they are breathable. However, they leave fragments on your face.

2. Design

Another important factor to consider when buying airsoft masks is their design. There are two types of design, namely, half and full masks. A full-face mask gives you complete face protection but can be difficult to position against your stock when you are shooting.

On the other hand, half-face masks give your protection from the eyes downward. A pair of goggles can be worn for added protection.

3. Straps

The straps allow you to properly fit the mask. Inspect the straps to verify that they are durable and comfortable. Many have adjustable straps.

4. Eye Protection

Another factor to consider when buying airsoft masks is the level of eye protection that it provides. You want the best eye protection that you can get from airsoft masks. Inspect the mask and verify that there is no space between the mask and the rest of it. If it is a half-mask, you might need eye goggles.

5. Lenses

The lens on the airsoft mask is another important factor to consider. They should be ANSI-rated and should be ballistic. If the lens isn't ANSI-rated or has ballistic properties, it could crack or break. If you want to learn about the best airsoft face masks, then click this link.

6. Googles

If you use eye goggles, make sure it seals your eyes and there are no openings between the goggles and your skin. You also want to know the strength of the goggles at different distances. There will be a difference in the speed and impact a BB has on your face and body depending on the distance you are away from the shooter. Verify that the face mask can absorb the hit without getting damaged.

7. Comfortability

You want to make sure the airsoft mask is comfortable on your face without any discomfort for a long period of time. Airsoft games take some time; hence, you want a mask that will be comfortable on your face for a protracted period of time.

8. Mouthpiece

The mouthpiece is another factor to consider when choosing airsoft masks. The mouthpiece has to be ventilated to allow you to easily breathe. Proper ventilation also helps to keep the temperature down in the mask and helps with communication.

9. Air Circulation

Air circulation is another important factor to consider when buying airsoft masks. You want an airsoft mask that provides good airflow.

10. Size

You want an airsoft mask that is the right size for your face. It should fit the size and shape of your head properly. The size is another important factor to consider when you buy an airsoft mask.


Airsoft masks are very important for the game of airsoft as it protects your face. In this article, we discussed the factors to consider when buying airsoft masks. If you want to learn more about airsoft, then visit www


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