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10 Deer Hunting Tips

Are you a beginner at hunting deer? Do you want to be successful and take home many deer during the hunting season? Deer hunting is an exciting, challenging and rewarding hobby. In this article, we discuss 10 deer hunting tips for beginners to help you take more deer home when the hunting season begins.

1. Your State Hunting Laws

Before you step into the woods to hunt any animal, the very first thing you should do is get the hunting laws of your state and read them. It is easy today to find them online. Read and get to know what is legal and illegal in your state. Try to narrow it down to the county or city that you live in. The last thing you want is to be found doing something that is illegal. You can find your state hunting laws from here.

2. Learn To Read Deer Tracks

It is important that you learn to read deer tracks. You can find their tracks, but if you don't know how to read them, their tracks won't be of much use to you. There are a lot of information in the tracks and learning how to read them, you will gather valuable information about the deer. From the tracks you can get a rough idea about the size, gender and age of the deer.

You can also learn which direction the deer is headed as sharp tips point forward. The tracks can give you clues as to whether if it left in a hurry or not. Tracks that are spaced a few feet apart and sunk deeper into the soil means it left in a hurry. If the tracks are spaced every couple of feet, that indicates that it was walking at a regular pace.

3. Learn Wind Direction

It is very important that you learn to read the wind direction if you want to hunt successfully. You should know the wind direction before you set out to hunt. You also need to know the wind direction so you can position yourself to prevent your odor been carried by the wind to the deer. You don't to be detected by the deer.

4. Human Odor

Deer have a pretty good sense of smell. They are quickly alerted to human odor. Always be mindful of your odor and take every precaution to suppress your human odor before going to hunt. Use a scent-free bath soap before you go hunting. Don't smoke or carry anything with the cigarette scent. Keep the clothes you will wear away from any food or other human odor. it is best to keep it stored

in an air tight bag.

5. Learn To Move Slowly

When hunting, learn to move like a deer or cat. It involves effort, but practice it as it is crucial. By learning to move slowly and standing still for a period of time, you can get closer to your target without getting detected. This skill is not given the credit it deserves, but it will pay dividends.

6. Hunt All Three Phases Of The Rut

There are three phases of the rut -the pre-rut, the peak or primary rut and the post-rut. Hunt all three phases of the rut.

7. Scout The Hunting Ground

Learn to scout the hunting ground. You can go early or late in the evening and scout the hunting ground. Use binoculars or a spotting scope. Look for signs of deer activity. Look for rub lines, scratches, poop or scat, travel lanes, funnels, food sources, bedding areas, scrapes, etc. You could also use Google Earth to help identify these areas online before going there in person. This will make scouting a little bit easier.

8. Learn The Skill of Field Dressing

Field dressing is a very important skill to learn as a hunter. After all the hard work of scouting and waiting, you finally took down that buck and after tracking it, you found it. Now you need to field dress it and take it home before the meat starts to get tainted. The meat will go bad really quick if all of the internal organs remain in it and it retains the body heat. That is why the skill of field dressing is so important. Learn to field dress a deer.

9. Learn The Deer Language

Deer communicate with each other using a number of different sounds. Learn to identify the different sounds deer make and practice making them. There are game calls that you can purchase that make these sounds. Practice these calls and take them with you when hunting.

10. Safety

Your safety and that of other hunters in you vicinity is very important. Always wear orange vests or other safety clothing that makes it easy for other hunters to identify you. Don't lift and point your weapon until you are ready to aim at your target. It is also a good safety practice to carry an orange cloth to wrap around the deer as you haul it out of the field to your car.


Deer hunting is an exciting and rewarding hobby. If you are a beginner in hunting deer, these 10 deer hunting tips will help you be successful on your hunting trips and take more deer home. If you want more deer hunting tips and information, then has more information that you can learn about hunting whitetail deer.


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