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10 Bluegill Fishing Tips

Do you fish for bluegill? Would you like to catch more bluegill? In this article, we share bluegill fishing tips to help you catch more bluegill.

1. Best Time For Bluegills

The easiest time of the year to catch bluegill is when it is spawning. During this time, it strikes at anything that encroaches on its spawning site making it vulnerable.

2. Spooky Bluegills

Even though bluegill is vulnerable during the spawn, bluegill in the shallows is also very spooky. This makes it harder to catch them. Use baits that you can present quietly that will prevent them from getting alarmed and leaving their nests.

3. Colony Fishing

To catch bluegills on the outside beds of a colony without disturbing the interior nests, cast a fly rod with artificial flies along the edges of a spawning colony. Different sizes of woolly worms or woolly buggers are flies that can be used.

4. Hot Water Bluegill Fishing

When you are fishing on a large lake and the weather is hot, it is better to go deeper in search of bluegills. They will go down to cooler temperatures where they still get oxygen. Using a slip float will allow you to go deep for the bluegills. If you would like to learn more bluegill fishing tips, then click this link.

5. Bluegill Around Docks

Bluegills will hang around docks for cover to provide protection from predators and avoid the heat. However, when the water is high and the dock is low, it can be challenging to reach them. Some will even go to deeper areas where they can’t be targeted with casting. In such situations, the only option is to shoot them.

6. Small Live Baits or Lures

Always keep the live bait or lures small if you want to catch a lot of bluegills. Go with hook sizes from No. 6 to No. 10. Also, use hooks with long shanks that will make it easier to remove the hooks from the bluegill’s mouth.

7. Small Locations

You can find bluegill in the same locations in late summer and target them in shallower waters near weed beds, brush, and other types of cover. Early morning and evening are the best times to fish during summer, but as the water cools in the fall, you can be successful in fishing bluegill during midday.

8. Best Live Baits

Worms, grasshoppers, and crickets are some of the best live baits to fish nesting bluegill. Set the bait 1 to 3 feet below a tiny bobber.

9. Bluegill Not Spawning

Bluegill that is not spawning can be found in deeper waters. During summer, they will be in deeper water on large lakes. However, they will remain shallow in ponds to get oxygen.

10. Lure Slow Descend

Slowly descend your lure as it gives the bluegill time to react. Give it time to notice your lure as it descends. Don’t hurry to the bottom.


Fishing for bluegills is not difficult. With the right strategies, you can be successful in catching bluegills. In this article, we share bluegill fishing tips to help you catch more. If you would like to learn more about fishing, then visit


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