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10 Best Trail Camera Tips

Do you use trail cameras to collect information on your hunting targets? Would you like to know how to get the best photos and videos from your trail cameras? In this article, we share trail camera tips to help you get the best out of your trail cameras.

1. Right Location

Choosing the right location to set up your trail camera could be the difference between getting valuable information or not getting any important information that could help you take down more of your targets.

2. Right Height

You have to set the trail camera at the right height to get the best results. The right height to set the trail camera depends on the animal you want to monitor. Set the trail camera at chest level if you want to collect information on deer. If you want to monitor other animals, then set the height a little lower than the chest height.

3. Trail Camera Direction

The direction you aim at the trail camera is very important. It is very important that you aim the camera in the right direction. Use a compass to set the trail camera true north or south.

4. Trigger Speed

The trigger speed is very important for trail cameras. Set the trigger speed on the camera so it begins taking shots as soon as deer or other animals move into the frame.

5. Battery Power

Trail cameras use a lot of battery power. Purchase quality batteries with a long duration. If you want to learn more about the best trail camera tips, then click this link.

6. Memory Cards

The memory card has storage to store photos and videos. When you purchase a trail camera, make sure it has adequate storage for the purpose that you will be using it.

7. Level Camera

When you set up a trail camera, make sure it is level. A leveled trail camera will produce clear and unobstructed images. If it is not level, you will get blurry or distorted pictures.

8. More Than One Camera

Consider setting up more than one trail camera in different areas that target different directions. This will allow you to collect more information on your target.

9. Test Shots

Take test shots after you set up the trail camera. The test shots will give you an idea if it is level and set up correctly. You

will also get a good idea if there are any obstructions that need to be removed. You may also learn if it is aiming correctly

in the direction that you want it to monitor.

10. Scent Control

Controlling your human scent is very important in hunting. You don't want your target to detect your scent. This will cause the target to be alerted of your presence and they may move away from the area. Before handling the trail cameras, use scent-free soap and keep the clothes you wear scent-free.


Trail cameras are very valuable devices to collect information on the target you want to hunt. Setting it up properly will allow you to collect clear images and videos. In this article, we share tips to help you get the best out of your trail cameras. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then go to


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