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10 Best Squirrel Hunting Tips

Do you hunt squirrels? Do you want to learn how to take more squirrels home? In this article, we share squirrel hunting tips to help you be more successful when hunting squirrels.

1. No Hurry To Retrieve

After choosing a good spot to wait for squirrels to show up, don't be in a hurry to retrieve the first few squirrels you take down. Mark the spot where they went down and continue to sit tight. Wait for others to show up.

2. The Restless Hand

If you are in an area noted for lots of squirrel activities, but you don't see or hear any, put your hand in the litter and stir the leaves at random intervals. repeating it in a broken pattern. The sound of your hand in the leaves mimics squirrel feeding. It just might get others to start feeding.

3. Trunk-hugger Squirrel

When you see a squirrel hugging the tree trunk high in the tree and not moving, it is usually facing up the tree. When you hug the tree yourself, you gave it the impression that the coast is clear. This will convince it and it will make a move, all for you to take a shot.

4. The Sun's Position

Always have the sun at your back which makes it difficult for the squirrel to spot you. When you sit or stand against a tree, keep the sun behind your shoulders. This will make it easier to place an accurate shot without the sun in your eyes.

5. Winter Squirrel Hunting

When hunting squirrels in deep winter, you should always be scanning the trees far in the distance. You will spot squirrels at a much longer distance in the winter. Once spotted, move quietly and get in position to take a shot. If you would like to learn more about the best squirrel hunting tips, then click this link.

6. Treestand Squirrel Hunting

Staying still in a tree stand, just like in deer hunting or in a duck blind, will reward you handsomely.

7. Trees Near Water

One of the best places to hunt squirrels is in the trees near a water source. These trees might have the largest fruits and nuts. Be on the lookout for squirrel signs like broken acorns, nuts, and bark scattered on the ground underneath the trees.

8. Hide & Seek Game

When the squirrel is on the opposite side of a tree going around and around when you circle, to get a shot at it, throw something noisy to its side. This might move him to your side and give you the chance to take a shot.

9. Be The Early Bird

Squirrels are most active at dawn and dusk. For the best chance of getting squirrels, go early.

10. Stay Put For A While

When squirrel hunting, and you see signs that they are in the area, it is always a good idea to stay longer than you want to. It is possible that you may have spooked them when you came in, therefore you will need to stay a little longer for them to be comfortable that the danger is no longer present for them to come back. Stay put for a minimum of 45 minutes.


Squirrels are witty and challenging to hunt. In this article, we share some squirrel hunting tips to help you take more squirrels home. If you would like to learn more about hunting squirrels, then click here.


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