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10 Best Rabbit Hunting Tips

Do you want to hunt rabbits? Or do you hunt rabbits? Would you like to take more rabbits home after your hunting trips? Hunting rabbits is not the easiest of animals to hunt. They are quick and clever. In this article, we share 10 tips to help you get more rabbits when you go rabbit hunting.

1. Rabbits' Eyes

When rabbit hunting, one good strategy is to look for their eyes. If you can't find them, try looking for a pair of eyes in the bushes. You can locate them by spotting their eyes. The important thing is that you want to spot them before they see you. They have round, dark eyes that will look out of place. Walk slowly and examine the brush and weeds.

2. Woodlands

Rabbits usually hang around thick cover, field edges, old barns, areas with fallen treetops, brush piles, etc. You will find rabbits in such areas as these areas receive less hunting pressure and they hang out there.

3. Stop-and Go-Technique

Rabbits are very nervous animals and they really can't handle suspense very well. You can use this knowledge of them to your advantage when rabbit hunting. When you are walking through an area you think rabbits frequent, move slowly and then stop for a minute.

Repeat this walking sequence. This walking sequence will make them feel that they have been spotted and it will cause them to flush out of the area. They just can't handle the suspense. Be ready to take aim as you will see them jumping and running away.

4. Zig-Zagging

Another strategy that is very effective when rabbit hunting is zig-zagging or moving in a weaving pattern through the cover. This pattern alerts rabbits and causes them to leave their hiding spots. If you would like to read the best rabbit hunting tips, click this link.

5. The Wind

When rabbit hunting always works into the wind. This will drown out the noise you create and also drive your human scent away from the rabbits. This use of the wind will help you get closer to their hiding spots.

6. Wounded Rabbit

After taking a shot at a rabbit and you think it was missed, don't jump to a conclusion too soon. Instead, check the area in a circular pattern of about 20 feet. Rabbits have the habit of running a little distance, then stopping and sitting tight when they are wounded.

7. Fleeing Rabbit

When you spot a rabbit running away, don't give up on it. Keep watching it and be prepared for a snapshot. Rabbits have a habit of stopping to look back and see if the danger is now out of range for them. When they do that, it is when you can take aim and hit it.

8. Rabbits In Cold Weather

Rabbits don't have a lot of insulating fur for very frigid days. They will seek shelter to keep them warm. Think about where they will go to protect themselves from the elements. Those areas you identify are where you should focus your hunt.

9. Food Sources

When rabbit hunting, a smart way to locate them is to look for their food sources like blackberry and raspberry bushes, clover, pine sapling stands, cornfields, plum, honeysuckle, sumac, etc. You will often find them in these areas.

10. Windy Morning

On a windy morning after a cold night, you will find rabbits on the sunny and lee sides of ridges, forests, and, brushes.


Hunting rabbits is very challenging due to the nature of the animal. It is cunning and very fast. To be successful when rabbit hunting, you will have to outsmart it many times in the fields. In this article, we share some rabbit hunting tips to take more rabbit home. If you want to read more on hunting, go to


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