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10 Best Pronghorn Antelope Hunting Tips

Do you hunt pronghorn antelopes? Would you like to take down more antelopes? In this article, we share pronghorn antelope tips to help you take more antelopes home during the hunting season.

1. Pronghorn Alarm System

When a pronghorn antelope is alarmed, the white hair on its white rump will be raised. This signals to other antelopes that danger is nearby. When you are stalking a herd of pronghorns, you should also be mindful of this. You should watch the white hair on them to see if any is raised. If it is raised on any of them, you should back down. Put some distance between you and them.

2. Pronghorn Defense System

Pronghorns have very good vision and speed. These qualities are part of its defense system against predators. It can see half or three-quarters of a mile away. Additionally, they can run more than 55 miles per hour. So when you are hunting pronghorns, remember their remarkable vision and speed.

3. Field-Judging Pronghorns

When you are hunting pronghorns, you can visually determine if it is a trophy antelope or not. If the horns appear to be longer than 13 inches, chances are it is a trophy antelope. The measurement starts from the base of the pronghorn's ear to the tip of its nose.

4. Old Pronghorn Flagging Trick

Indians used this trick to lure pronghorns and it is also used today by modern hunters. It involves teasing the pronghorns to come nearer, then ease away. Then come nearer and then ease away again. It requires patience and hard work. it is a game of brinkmanship and eventually flags the pronghorn from ambush.

5. Judging Pronghorn's Size

If you are less than half a mile away and you can clearly identify a prominent black spot on the side of its head, chances are it is a big and mature buck that you should go after. If you would like to learn more about the best pronghorn antelope hunting tips, then click the link.

6. Use Laser Rangefinders

Antelope hunters often miss their targets because they don't believe they are as close as they really are and often overshoot the target. To correctly gauge the distance, use a laser rangefinder when hunting pronghorn antelopes.

7. Well-placed Shot

Antelopes are very tough animals. Even after being fatally wounded, they will go for some distance before falling down dead. Therefore, you should always try to hit it in the kill zone to deliver a fatal blow. Even then, it will not just drop dead. Be prepared to follow it for a considerable distance before it eventually falls down dead.

8. No Need For Long Shots

Pronghorn antelopes are often found in flat land that is often intersected by ravines, coulees, ridges, hills, gullies, and

divides. Take advantage of this topography and get as close as possible without getting detected. This will be about less than 200 yards and sometimes less than 100 yards.

9. Pronghorns At The Waterhole

When hunting pronghorns over a waterhole, find the corner they like. When you find the corner and set up, wait until they start drinking before you take a shot. Chances are there will be more than 50 animals at the waterhole during the afternoon.

10. Roost Pronghorns

If you find a herd of pronghorns and stalk them until it is dark, it is possible that they will be in the same area at sunrise. Get close without being detected before dawn to take good shots at them.


Hunting pronghorn antelopes is challenging and involves a lot of patience. In this article, we share pronghorn hunting tips to help you be successful in hunting pronghorns. If you would like to learn more about hunting many other animals, then go to


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