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10 Best Pheasant Hunting Tips

Do you hunt pheasants? Do you want to learn how to take more pheasants home? In this article, we share pheasant hunting tips to help you be more successful when hunting pheasants.

1. Pheasants Sit Tight

When pheasants feel pressured, they can make themselves invisible and sit tight. Pheasants can hide in the smallest patch of grass making you walk right past them.

2. Blocking The Exit

If you hunt any strip, pheasants will move to the far end and flush. However they realize that a hunter is at the exit, and they will not run or flush. Instead, they will hunker down and take their chances with the hunter who is working the cover.

3. Public Land Hunt

During the early season when there is a lot of pressure on public lands, the birds will move over to private lands that are close by. They will return to the public land to sleep but leave at dawn.

The trick is to hunt public land the day the corn is picked on private land near public land. When there is no roof of cornstalks over their heads, pheasants will move to the marsh grasses of the public land.

4. Hunt The Edges

Look for edged as pheasants go through a number of habitats during the day. Look out for areas where one habitat meets another. Pheasants, like many animals, like these areas or transition lines. If you would like to learn more about the best pheasant hunting tips, then click this link.

5. Hunt Cover More Than Once

When you come across pheasant cover, hunt it more than once. Hunt it in the morning and again late in the day. There is a good chance that the birds will move into the cover throughout the day.

6. Pheasants & Snow

Snow presents the opportunity to track pheasants. You can quickly learn their favorite hiding spots and get a good idea of how many of them are in the area.

7. Hunt After Thanksgiving

There is less pressure after Thanksgiving as many hunters have left the hunting fields for the holiday. This is when you can experience some of the best pheasant hunting. Additionally, the birds congregate more into flocks because of the winter weather.

8. Pheasants Fly High & Fast

Pheasants fly high and fast after the initial flush. If you see pheasants coming in your direction after a flush by another hunter, be prepared to take your shot with a smooth, fast swing and lots of lead. They are fast when in full flight and you have to get your gun barrel out in front.

9. Water Sources

Work covers near watering holes late in the afternoon in the dry months in the fall.

10. Reload Quickly

After shooting a flushing bird, always reload quickly. There may be others with him. While you may still be basking in the thought of taking the rooster down, others may flush as you are unprepared with an empty gun.


Hunting turkeys involves quick thinking and action. In this article, we share some turkey hunting tips. If you would like to learn more about hunting turkeys, then visit the


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