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10 Best Mule Deer Hunting Tips

Do you hunt mule deer? Do you want to learn how to take more mule deer home? In this article, we share mule deer hunting tips to help you be more successful when hunting mule deer.

1. Time To Glass

The best time to glass for mule deer is early in the morning. At this time of the day, the hair on their coats and light-colored rumps glow because of the low-angle light. The light will also gleam on the tines of their antlers.

2. Mountain Mahogany

During the early days of the hunting season, the pressure quickly builds up and bucks move into thick areas of mountain mahogany. In this area, they position themselves so they can see anything coming towards them from their back trail. This is a safe area for them as it is covered with dried leaves and twigs that will snap, crackle, and pop when pressure is applied to them.

3. Mule Deer In Canyons

When you are looking for mule deer in high-country canyons, you can easily spot them by their steamy breath. Additionally, you might find their tracks in the snow that may lead you to them.

4. Windy Day Hunt

On windy days, mule deer will seek refuge in deep canyons and pockets of dense cover. They, like elk, don't like being out there in the cold wind. Look for these areas on windy days and you might just get rewarded for your effort. If you want to learn more mule deer hunting tips, then click this link.

5. Mule Deer & Clear-cuts

Mule deer can often be found in recently clear-cut areas. Clear-cut areas have shrubs and plants tend to grow quickly as their roots penetrate the soil and their leaves receive sunlight. If you find recently clear-cut areas, there is a good chance that you will find mule deer in that area.

6. Meandering Tracks

When a mule deer moves from a food source to bedding, its trail will be in a straight line. However, as it gets closer to its bedding area, it begins to meander through the cover, going after twigs and searching for a spot to lie down.

If you are tracking a mule deer and you notice its tracks start to wander, backtrack a few hundred yards, go above where you think it has bedded down so that you can move forward from a higher elevation. You will get closer to it from a higher elevation and get a better shot if it gets spooked.

7. Mule Deer & Sandy Basins

Mule deer love a small basin with white sand. These basins usually have the best bitterbrush and are more open. If you come across a small basin with white sand, find a good spot, and hunt that area.

8. Mule Deer & Sagebrush

Mule deer like sagebrush and are attracted to it. Be on the lookout for patches of sagebrush. If you find these areas, hunt them as they attract mule deer.

9. Chat With Locals

Always find time to make friends and chat with the locals near the area you want to hunt mule deer. You may be surprised how much valuable information you can learn from them about the behavior of mule deer and other animals in that area.

10. Deer Sex & Their Pee

If you are tracking a mule deer, you can determine its sex by studying the spot it urinated. Bucks urinate forward into the snow, in the same direction their tracks are moving in. Does, on the other hand, urinate straight down or in the reverse direction.


Hunting mule deer can be challenging but rewarding. In this article, we share mule deer hunting tips. If you would like to learn more about hunting mule deer, then visit


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