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10 Best Goose Hunting Tips

Do you hunt geese? Do you want to take home more geese during the hunting season? In this article, we share goose hunting tips to help you be more successful hunting geese.

1. Goose Decoy Setup

Set up your goose decoys 10 feet apart and let them face random directions. This is a natural and relaxed arrangement that gives incoming birds enough landing room inside the spread.

2. Move the Gun Slowly

When shooting geese at long ranges, move the gun more slowly than you think you need to. Swing slowly through the bird from behind and pull the trigger when you see some daylight between the barrel and the goose's head.

3. Never Pass Up Good Shots

When geese are right over your blind on a calm day and they look down at you from about 30 yards, take the shot. This is a position in which its vital organs are exposed to you. Take the shot and more times than not, you will take it down.

4. Hunting Snow Geese

Snow geese fly high and circle straight down, making it difficult to shoot them in any other place but over a good spread.

Look around for snowy locations with ditches or hedgerows that are just about a few hundred yards from the fields where you can creep unnoticed into position to shoot down low-flying snow geese without spooking the main flock.

5. Layout Blinds

Practice rising into a shooting position before the geese start flying. You will need to practice this as it takes time to get used to this move. If you don't practice this move to become familiar with it, you will find yourself face down on the gun when it is time to shoot the bird. If you want to learn about the best goose hunting tips, then click this link.

6. Angle Your Blinds

To get the best shots in your blind, you will have to angle it. If you are right-handed, position your layout blind slightly to the right of the landing hole. This positioning will give you more shooting chances than if you were facing directly downwind.

Left-handed shooters should be positioned on the right end of the line so they can intercept any geese that slide off the right side.

7. Silhouette Geese

If you use silhouette decoys, position them so that most of them appear broadside at every angle. This will make them visible to flying birds.

8. Don't Overcall

Don't make the mistake and overcall. You need to learn how the birds are responding to your calling and always make adjustments to improve. Learn to perfect the art of conveying a message in your calls.

9. Passing Geese

When geese are traveling long distances, you want to capture their attention and get them to come to you instead of flying to their next destination. You accomplish this by calling with loud, continuous honks, clucks, and moans.

10. Flying Birds

Don't completely trust what you see concerning how birds fly. To be successful in taking flying birds down, swing your gun, lead the birds, and continue swinging as you pull the trigger. You will notice that you are missing the target too many times if you don't do this.


Hunting geese is an exciting and rewarding adventure. In this article, we share goose hunting tips to help you take down more geese. If you want to learn more and hunting birds, go to the


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