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10 Best Dove Hunting Tips

Do you hunt doves? Do you want to learn how to take more doves home? In this article, we share dove hunting tips to help you be more successful when hunting doves.

1. Power Line Break

When you see doves sitting on a power line, that should indicate to you that they are using the fields nearby. Be on the lookout for the fields they are using as the afternoon approaches. Try to also find the routes they are using to go to and from their resting areas and waterholes.

2. Quick Retrieve

When you take down a dove, quickly locate and retrieve it. If you are still busy when you take it down, mark the area, but is best to quickly get it. You can easily lose them on the ground as they are well camouflaged.

3. Clear Ground Walking

Doves love to walk on clear ground. They don't like walking in thick brushes. Always be on the lookout for open, sandy ramps along the water's edge. You might just find them landing in clearings or in the open ground between the rows of feed like sunflower seed or millet.

4. Low-Flying Birds

Don't shoot at low-flying birds. They present a dangerous situation and it should always be avoided. If you don't have at least a 45-degree angle to shoot, don't take the shot. A low-angle shot is very dangerous and could be dangerous to other hunters not far away from your location. If you would like to learn more about the best dove hunting tips, then click this link.

5. Overhead Shots

One of the toughest shots to take is the one in which the bird is flying straight overhead. It poses a challenge to get your gun barrel ahead of one of the birds.

The trick is that you must have the barrel overtake the bird in a rapid swing. Then pull the trigger just as the barrel overtakes the bird in a rapid swing, then pull the trigger as the barrel blots out the bird.

6. Shooting At Waterholes

Doves will avoid a waterhole or pond because of the danger it presents if you hunt the waterhole. Instead, set up on the main flyway they use coming into the waterhole and pass-shot.

7. Edges & Corners

Always be on the lookout for edges and corners. Birds love edges and corners. If you find edges and corners, you just might find birds eating and moving in that area.

8. Second Dove Hunting Season

The second dove hunting season is more of a real hunting season. Why? Because the birds are fully grown, full-feathers, and fly faster than the birds in September. Your shooting ability will be truly tested as the birds are skittish and the days are blustery.

9. Water Sources

Dove needs water like every living thing. They primarily feed on seeds and the water helps with digestion. Birds will not roost or nest far from a water source. Look for water sources with little vegetation around the shore. If you find a water source, survey the area in a circular pattern and you might come across possible roosting areas.

10. Overshoot The Target

Overshoot as if you are going to miss when shooting doves. This will make you hit more doves as they cross in front of you. Overexaggerate your lead by 6 feet or more. This will ensure your barrel should be 6 inches in front of the dove.


Dove hunting is exciting as it is challenging. In this article, we share dove hunting tips to help you be more successful when hunting doves. If you would like to learn more about hunting doves, then click here.


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