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10 Best Caribou Hunting Tips

Do you hunt caribou? Do you want to take more caribou home during the hunting season? In this article, we share tips to help you hunt more caribou.

1. Always Moving

Caribou are always on the move. It is difficult to establish a pattern with caribou as they are always moving. If you spot a herd in one location today, they could be miles away tomorrow. Therefore, if you spot a caribou you like, take it down because you might not see it the next day.

2. 360-Degree View

When you are glassing for caribou and you have a 360-degree view of the terrain, remember that caribou on all sides will also have a good view of you too. You must hide your silhouette by sitting on a rock, brush, or stump at your back.

3. Get in Shape

Hunting caribou can be very demanding physically. You will have to endure rough terrain and bad weather. Additionally, you will move a lot to keep track of caribous as they are always moving. It is physically demanding and to succeed, you will need to get in shape.

4. Right Optics

Use a high-power binocular or a spotting scope to help you find a caribou herd. Since finding the herd is the most difficult part of hunting caribou, quality optics will take you closer to finding the herd. If you would like to learn more about the best caribou hunting tips, then click this link.

5. Winterize Gun

Always keep your gun clean and winter-ready. Additionally, prepare your gun for freezing weather if you hunt in frigid

temperatures by using synthetic lube. Guns tend to malfunction when firing during freezing weather if they have not been treated for such weather.

6. Sneaking Up On A Bull

When you are sneaking up on a bull, always keep track of other caribou that are near the bull you are tracking. You don't want to spook the other caribou and thereby alert the bull you are sneaking up on. However, if you do spook a caribou, just remain in your position and hope you get a second chance of stalking the bull.

7. Caribou & The Cold

When you are searching for caribou, you will often find them in the coldest and highest spots except in the dead of winter. You can also find them on the exposed mountain heights or standing in the remnants of the snow patches from the last winter storms.

8. Reading Caribou's Body Language

Caribou walk slowly, extending their head forward and downward when they are not alarmed. If they become alarmed, they will warn the others with a special behavior by trotting with its head high and parallel to the ground with their short and floppy tail in the air.

9. Cold Rifle & Wet Bullets

Never put a wet cartridge into your gun. If the cartridge drops to the ground, always clean it before putting it back into the gun. It could pick up moisture, causing the gun to freeze in the chamber.

10. Taking Long Shots

If you are hunting for caribou in the north, take a rangefinder and a pair of shooting sticks with you. It is common to take long shots in the range of 400 yards in the tundra. Practice long shots and confirm the distances with a rangefinder before you embark on a caribou hunting trip up north.


Hunting caribou is challenging as it is rewarding. In this article, we share tips to help you successfully hunt and take more

caribou home. If you would like to learn more about hunting, then go to


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