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10 Best Bowfishing Tips

Do you bowfish? Would you like to catch more fish with the bow? In this article, we share bowfishing tips to help you catch more fish.

1. State Law

Know your state’s law. You might need a fishing license or a hunting one might be what you need.

2. Factor In Refraction

Due to refraction, you want to be 10-15 feet away from the fish when you shoot. Aim at about six inches below the fish to compensate for the water’s refraction. If it is a big fish, aim for its belly to hit it.

3. Hone In Your Skills

Sharpen your shooting skills by taking practice shots with some object or a leaf under the water. This will help you to adjust your shot.

4. Familiar Territory

Start bow fishing with a body of water that you are familiar with. When you hone your skills and gain experience, you can choose a lake or river that you are familiar with especially if you will bowfish at night. If you would like to learn how to bowfish, then click this link.

5. Use Google Earth

It is good to know where the shallow parts of the river are, the clumps of vegetation, and where the fastest currents run. You can do some research with Google Earth to identify possible locations of these areas.

6. Best Time To Bowfish

Many bow fishers believe that the best time to bowfish is the spawn. During this time, the fish are easily seen, they are in the reedy shallows and distracted.

7. Good Places To Bowfish

Dams and overflows are good places to bowfish, especially during the spawn.

8. Fishing Gear

A hat, polarized sunglasses, and suntan lotion will help if you bowfish during the day. At night, you will need lights and bug spray.

9. Spring Bowfishing

In the Spring, carp are usually in weedy and shallow areas. Additionally, areas with stumps, reeds, and brushes are also good places to bowfish.

10. More Places

Shallow rocky rivers in the spring can reveal a treasure trove of carp.


Bowfishing is fun, exciting, and rewarding. With good bowfishing skills, you can get as many fish as another angler who uses other fishing methods. In this article, we share bowfishing tips to help you catch more fish. If you would like to learn more about fishing, then click this link..


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