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10 Best Bear Hunting Tips

Do you hunt bears? Do you want to learn how to take more bears home? In this article, we share bear hunting tips to help you be more successful when hunting bears.

1. Baiting Bears

When you set bait for bears you want to hunt, a good tactic is to lead them onto the bait. Tie a dead fish or a smelly piece of bacon to a piece of rope and drag it along the trails that lead toward the pile. With their excellent sense of smell, bears will discover the scent trail and might follow it to your bait even if the wind is blowing in the wrong direction.

2. Bear Signs

When searching for bears, look for big branches of trees, claw marks in bark, and rubbed-out bark with bear hair in them. Additionally, fresh tracks on the ground measuring 6 inches wide or more are also bear signs.

3. Mature Timber

When you are searching for bears, look for old-growth timber for denning, food, and water. If you come across 10 to 50-acre parcels with all three of these search points, then you likely have found bears.

4. Chat With Farmers

If your state doesn't allow hunting bears with bait, you have to find out where they are feeding. One way to get that information is to talk to farmers in the area you are hunting for bears. If the farmers are having problems with raiding their cornfields, gardens, or other crops, then you know that area has bears to hunt.

5. Small Bear & Your Bait

If you set your bait and you notice a nervous small bear around your bait pile, don't take a shot. There could be a larger bear in the area. Be patient and wait for the big bear to show up on your bait pile. If you want to learn more of the best bear hunting tips, then click this link.

6. Is The Bear Dead?

After hitting a bear, make sure it is dead before you get close to it and touch it. Look at the eyes. If they are opened, that means it is dead. If the eyes are closed, it could be hurt but still alive. Put another round into it and see what it does.

7. Black Bears & Pork Meat

Black bears eat berries, nuts, insects, and carrion. They also like to eat large animals like deer, hogs, and sheep. Black bears like hogs as they have a special liking for pork. Use this knowledge of their eating habits to your advantage and target areas where hogs, sheep, and deer are often seen.

8. Bait Pile Placement

After verifying that it is legal to use bait for bears in your state, always place it at least a quarter-mile from the nearest road or access point. This placement of your bait pile will reduce the chances of other hunters locating it.

9. Best Weather To Spot Bears

The best weather to spot bears is when it is raining lightly or misting with little to no wind. Bears are aware that few hunters will be out in such weather. Additionally, they are more active because the air is cooler and they can stalk prey with very little noise.

10. When Black Bears Are Dangerous

Black bears are most dangerous after the long winter season, in the spring when they are hungry. They will attack large animals, even ambush and attack moose.


Hunting black bears is dangerous and difficult. However, with the knowledge of their behavior, you can be successful in hunting black bears. In this article, we share black bear hunting tips to help you be more successful in hunting black bears. If you would like to learn more about hunting black bears, then visit


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